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Case Results

$35.1 Million
Attorney van der Veen Fights the Odds to Win a $31.5 Million JudgmentMotorcycle AccidentA young newlywed, Jesse Darwish was catastrophically injured over a July 4th holiday weekend when an uninsured driver negligently turned lef...
van der Veen, Hartshorn, Levin & Lindheim Secure $11M Settlement in Police Shooting Case Affecting ChildrenPolice Shooting VictimsAt van der Veen, Hartshorn, Levin & Lindheim, we secured an $11 million settlement on behalf of victims tragically impacted b...
$10 Million
Michael van der Veen Wins $10 Million Settlement, After Offer of NothingTractor-Trailer AccidentA mother was devastated by the news that her normal, healthy child suffered a traumatic brain injury, requiring a lifetime o...
$4.8 Million
Michael van der Veen Goes Above and Beyond to Win $4.8 Million for BicyclistBicycle AccidentJennifer Watson∗ was nearly killed when a drunk driver hit her from behind as she rode her bicycle along the sid...
$4.25 Million
Federal Jury Awards $4.25 Million to Michael van der Veen’s Severely Injured Client in Tractor Trailer AccidentTractor-Trailer CollisionDamien Wallace∗ enjoyed a simple and happy life. He worked two jobs to help provide for his wife and two children...
$3.25 Million
Patience and Expertise Results in a $3.25 Million Jury AwardCement Truck AccidentPatricia Knox∗ had risen to the top of the nursing profession. A Charge Nurse for the Cardiac Surgical Transplant Unit a...
$2.4 Million
Verdict for Pedestrian Accident VictimPedestrian Accident$2.4 million verdict for the victim of a tragic pedestrian accident...
$1.65 Million
Settlement for Car Accident VictimCar Accident$1.65 Million settlement for a man injured in a car crash...
$1.5 Million
Attorneys Michael T. van der Veen and Jerry Lindheim Secure a Settlement of $1.5 Million for the Injured Passenger of a Commercial Vehicle AccidentCommercial Vehicle AccidentAttorneys Michael T. van der Veen and Jerry Lindheim successfully represented a passenger who was injured in a single-vehicle incident. Th...
$1.35 Million
Michael van der Veen Wins $1.35 Million For Boxer Injured By Drunk DriverDrunk Driving AccidentVictor Ellis∗ was a boxer. After a promising 12-0 record as an amateur, he turned professional and won his first tw...
$1.25 Million
Settlement for Premises Liability AccidentPremises Liability$1.25 Million settlement for a trespasser killed by factory equipment...
$1 Million
$1M Settlement for Man Injured By a Falling Ceiling TileFalling Object InjuryJason Sanders* was a member of a health club playing a game of Wallyball on a designated racquetball court with hi...
$1 Million
van der Veen Wins $1M for Woman Injured By a Cable Company TruckTruck AccidentWhat is my case worth? That is the question nearly every person injured in an accident will ask at some point...
$1 Million
Seven-Figure Settlement for Man Assaulted By a Club BouncerAssault InjuryOn a warm summer night, Tyler Bishop∗ went out with his friend and business partner to celebrate Tyler’s birthday and watc...
Triumph in Premises Liability Case: $625,000 Award for Client's Ankle Injury Due to Collapsed StairsPremises LiabilityJerry Lindheim and Elizabeth “Lizzie” Americo successfully arbitrated a premises liability matter involving a trip and fall on alleged defective exterio...
Maximum Compensation
van der Veen Wins Maximum For a Permanently Disabled ClientBus AccidentEvery personal injury case presents its own special challenges for the attorney representing an injured client. Sometimes it is proving liabilit...
Not Guilty
Attorney Richard Coble won Not Guilty verdicts for his client in a double-homicide jury trial in Philadelphia.Double Homicidevan der Veen, Hartshorn, Levin & Lindheim is proud to announce that our criminal defense attorney Richard Coble won Not Guilt...
Not Guilty
Not Guilty Verdict in a Rape Case Against a College StudentCollege Student Rape CaseSexual assault and rape cases present an added level of complexity to the job of a defense attorney. In addition t...
Not Guilty
Not Guilty Jury Verdict in a Rape Case in PhiladelphiaRape CaseThe manager of a center city Philadelphia travel agency was charged with the rape and sexual assault of a female colleg...
Second Impeachment Trial of President Donald TrumpImpeachment TrialFormer President Donald Trump asked Michael van der Veen and Bruce Castor, Jr. to represent him in only the fourth presidentia...
Not Guilty
Not Guilty Verdict in a Murder Case in PhiladelphiaMurder CaseThe odds were stacked against Joseph Notaro. Although he had cared for his elderly mother for decades, over the last si...
Charges Dropped
Charges dropped for a man accused of ArsonArsonvan der Veen, Hartshorn, Levin & Lindheim helped a man who had been accused of arson get all charges dropped i...
Not Guilty
Not Guilty Verdict in a Drug Trafficking Case in Montgomery CountyDrug TraffickingAt the time of his arrest, the defendant in the case of Commonwealth v. Allen was a high school basketball refere...
Not Guilty
Not Guilty Verdict in DUI Case in Bucks CountyDUIvan der Veen, Hartshorn, Levin & Lindheim secured a not-guilty verdict in a DUI case for a client in Bucks County...
Charges Dropped
Embezzlement Charges Dropped Against a Philadelphia BusinessmanEmbezzlementThe manager of a high end Philadelphia restaurant was charged with embezzlement after ownership discovered missing funds from the business. Becaus...
Pardon Granted
Governor’s Pardon for Wall Street Stockbroker Charged with TheftGovernor’s Pardon for Theftvan der Veen, Hartshorn, Levin & Lindheim helped a Wall Street stockbroker charged with theft get a Governor’s pardon in hi...
Pardon Granted
Governor’s Pardon for a Man Charged with AssaultGovernor’s Pardon for Assaultvan der Veen, Hartshorn, Levin & Lindheim helped a man charged with assault get a Governor’s pardon in his case...
Not Guilty
Not Guilty Jury Verdict in an Aggravated Assault of a Police Officer Case In PhiladelphiaAggravated AssaultA young black musician was walking through a large shopping mall with his white girlfriend when he was approached by ...
Not Guilty
Child Pornography Charges Dropped in Montgomery CountyChild Pornographyvan der Veen, Hartshorn, Levin & Lindheim helped a client in Montgomery County to get all charges dropped in a child pornography case...
Complaint Dismissed
Strategic Defense Leads to Double Victory in Commercial Litigation CasesCommercial LitigationWe are proud to announce a recent achievement by our esteemed attorney, Dan Devlin, in our commercial litigation department. Dan skillfull...

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