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Trick-or-Treating Safely During COVID-19

October 29, 2020

By van der Veen, Hartshorn, Levin & Lindheim

The COVID-19 pandemic has hit Pennsylvania hard, and changed just about everything about daily life in the state. Although it was questionable just a few weeks ago whether trick-or-treating would be possible, the state is now allowing it. However, this too, is something else that will be affected by the pandemic and as such, it should be done a bit differently this year. If you want to enjoy the festivities of Halloween this year with your family, follow the tips below to keep yourself and others safe.

Do Not Go Door to Door

Even though trick-or-treating door-to-door is some of the best fun of Halloween, it is simply not possible this year. People cannot maintain social distancing and there is simply too much contact between you and people you may not know. Instead, find an event in your community that is held outdoors and will allow for social distancing and all other safety measures. Or, organize or partake in events in your community that involve one-way trick-or-treating with children picking up treats within a line that allows for proper distancing.

Wear a Mask

Masks are always an important part of Halloween but this year, you want to trade in the scary masks your child may wear for the cloth mask they may regularly now wear any time they head out. Traditional Halloween masks can make it difficult to see, causing you or your child to bump into others, which is very unsafe during this time. Additionally, these masks often have holes for the nose and mouth, which make them ineffective protection against the virus.

Use Hand Sanitizer

Regardless of the activity, your family is in partaking in, make sure you have plenty of hand sanitizer nearby. Use it every time a family member touches something or takes candy from designated areas.

Save the Scares

Pulling pranks on people and trying to scare them is all a part of Halloween. That is, under normal conditions. However, 2020 is anything but normal and so, it is advised that people do not engage in this type of behavior this year. In fact, every year people should be very careful when they engage in this type of behavior. If the victim of the prank slips and falls, or is otherwise injured, the person that pulled the prank may be considered negligent and face liability issues.

Call Our Pennsylvania Personal Injury Lawyers if You are Hurt

Safety is always an important part of Halloween, but it is even more crucial this year amid COVID-19. If you or a loved one is injured during festivities this year, it is important that you speak to a Philadelphia personal injury lawyer as soon as possible. At van der Veen, Hartshorn, Levin & Lindheim, our attorneys know how to prove someone else’s negligence caused your injury, and how to help you claim the fair compensation you deserve. Call us today at (215) 486-0123 or contact us online to schedule a consultation and to learn more about how we can help with your case.



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