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Three Types of Expert Witnesses Used in Traffic Accident Claims

May 02, 2018

By van der Veen, Hartshorn, Levin & Lindheim

In a personal injury case, an expert witness is a person called upon by either the defendant or plaintiff to shed light on a particular topic. Expert witnesses are just that–experts in a specific field of work. They can be extremely beneficial to your case as an injured plaintiff, or detrimental if an expert witness of the defendant makes untrue statements or confuses the jury about what is fact and what is speculation. A Philadelphia personal injury lawyer will make sure that, when necessary, any expert witnesses will be used to your advantage, and not hurt your case.

Crash Scene Reconstructionist

With almost every auto collision, the police will conduct their own investigation and make an official accident report. However, sometimes these reports are flawed, or do not include pertinent information. A crash scene or car accident reconstructionist will use information and evidence collected at the crash scene by the police to figure out what happened. Who caused the crash? Or more specifically, they will look at how fast each party traveling, what the road conditions were like, and other factors that may have led to the collision, such as distraction, aggressive maneuvers, and more. Did one party fail to yield the right of way? Was one party texting while the incident occurred?

Cell Phone Record Expert

In 2017, 99 people were killed in traffic collisions in Philadelphia, according to the Bicycle Coalition of Greater Philadelphia, more than any other year in recent memory. An expert who specializes in cell phone records can help prove that the other party was on their phone during the crash. While texting is illegal while driving in Pennsylvania, according to the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation, talking on the phone is not. However, even proof that the other party was talking on the phone can be enough to help prove their negligence through distraction, since even talking on the phone is extremely risky while driving a car.

First Responder

A first responder is an actual witness to either the event or the aftermath (the injuries) of the accident. First responders include paramedics, firefighters, police, and other emergency personnel who arrive at the scene where a person was injured or killed. First responders sometimes have valuable information that sheds light on what happened and how traumatic the event was.

Call a Philadelphia Personal Injury Attorney for Help With Your Claim Today

Expert witnesses can be used with great results in personal injury cases, but you need to make sure that you are using the correct expert witness, and not someone who is unqualified or unfit to do the job. Furthermore, when the defendant employees an expert witness that mixes facts with speculation, you need an attorney who can dismiss their claims. Contact van der Veen, Hartshorn, Levin & Lindheim in Philadelphia today to speak with one of our lawyers.


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