Recent News
- Mar 18When are Children Tried as Adults in Pennsylvania?The story of a man that had been in prison for nearly 70 years after he was convicted as a 15-year-ol...VIEW ARTICLE
- Mar 12Can You File a Lawsuit Over Negligent Security?An 84-year-old woman is filing a lawsuit against a casino after a 39-year-old man attacked her in the casino’s parking lot...VIEW ARTICLE
- Mar 9Is Breaking Into a Barn Considered Burglary in Pennsylvania?Recently, a person broke into a home and a barn in Jefferson County, even though it did not appear that the...VIEW ARTICLE
- Mar 4Why Evidence is So Important in Your Slip and Fall ClaimAccording to the National Insurance Crime Bureau (NICB), the number of slip and fall claims has drastically increased in the las...VIEW ARTICLE
- Mar 2What is the Statute of Limitations on Sex Crimes in Pennsylvania?A man was recently charged with several sex crimes in Pennsylvania. While this is not all that surprising, as sex crime...VIEW ARTICLE
- Feb 26After Defending Trump, van der Veen Seeks More High-Profile CasesAfter Defending Trump, Michael T. van der Veen Seeks More High-Profile Cases “I would do it again in a heartbeat.” Lear...VIEW ARTICLE
- Feb 22How to Avoid a Slip and Fall on Your Property This WinterWinter has arrived in Pennsylvania and while it is important everyone knows how to avoid becoming involved in an accident, i...VIEW ARTICLE
- Feb 18What is the Crime of Public Drunkenness?The holidays are officially over and while for most, the fallout only includes credit card bills and putting away decorations, fo...VIEW ARTICLE
- Feb 16The Steps You Take After a Dog Bite are Crucial for Your ClaimRecently, two male runners were getting ready for the Roadrunner Club’s Winter Series Jingle Bell event when they were attacked b...VIEW ARTICLE
- Feb 11Filing a Wrongful Death Claim After Nursing Home AbuseRecently, a story regarding a wrongful death in a nursing home shone light on the negligence elders often experience in long-ter...VIEW ARTICLE
- Feb 9Can Parents Face Criminal Charges if a Child Uses Their Gun in Pennsylvania?A sad but interesting story recently emerged in Chester County. A 15-year-old boy engaged in a slap box match with tw...VIEW ARTICLE
- Feb 4Pennsylvania Lawmakers Pass Bill that Will Hurt the ElderlyIt was in September that Pennsylvania legislators introduced a bill that shielded nursing homes from liability related to COVID-19. In lat...VIEW ARTICLE
- Jan 28What is Child Endangerment?Almost ten years after the scandal broke in 2011, the criminal cases involving a former University coach and the University hav...VIEW ARTICLE
- Jan 26What to Do, and Not Do, After an AccidentThe steps you take after a car accident are extremely important to your case. You should take certain steps, but yo...VIEW ARTICLE
- Jan 21Five Common Signs of Nursing Home Abuse You Should Not IgnoreThe majority of nursing homes in Pennsylvania provide high quality care and the proper support their residents need. Unfortunately, many nursin...VIEW ARTICLE
- Jan 19Wire Fraud is a Very Serious Federal OffenseA man was recently charged in federal court with conspiring to sell puppies and other animals over the Internet. The defendan...VIEW ARTICLE
- Jan 14When Do Police have the Right to Search Your Vehicle?Recently, a man and woman were charged with several drug offenses after they were stopped on I-77 for a traffic violation...VIEW ARTICLE
- Jan 12What is a Property Owner’s Responsibility for Clearing Snow?Parts of Pennsylvania have seen significant snowfall lately. While the snow is good news for those who were hoping for ...VIEW ARTICLE
- Jan 5Can You Sue After Accepting an Insurance Settlement?f you were hurt by the negligence of another person, you have the right to file a claim against them t...VIEW ARTICLE
- Dec 23Drug Crimes Increase During COVID-19Public safety officials in small towns have warned that drug crimes have increased, and that they are now equivalent to th...VIEW ARTICLE
- Dec 21Five Questions to Ask Your Doctor After a Car CrashOne of the most important things to do after a car accident is to see a doctor that can provide treatmen...VIEW ARTICLE
- Dec 17Parents can Face Penalties for Underage Drinking, TooUnderage drinking remains a problem during the pandemic, but a new story has shone a light on some penalties parents ma...VIEW ARTICLE
- Dec 15Statistics on Accidents Caused by Weather and Road Conditions in PennsylvaniaPennsylvania sees harsh winter days every year. Snow, sleet, ice, and other weather conditions greatly affect the road and, as th...VIEW ARTICLE
- Dec 10When Should You Hire a Personal Injury Attorney?Accidents cause a number of injuries, whether you have been involved in a car crash, have slipped and fallen on someon...VIEW ARTICLE
- Dec 7How Does the Defense of Duress Work in Pennsylvania?It was in late October when a federal appeals court decided not to overturn a decision made in a burglary case...VIEW ARTICLE
- Dec 3FAQs Surrounding Medical Malpractice in PennsylvaniaInjured and sick individuals trust healthcare professionals to make them better, not worse, when they seek treatment. Unfortunately, this does no...VIEW ARTICLE
- Dec 1What is Simple Assault?An 18-year-old man has recently plead guilty to a number of charges relating to the assault of three young girls h...VIEW ARTICLE
- Nov 25What are Terroristic Threats Under Pennsylvania Law?Americans are all too familiar with terrorism and in many cases, how the law applies to acts of terror. A ma...VIEW ARTICLE
- Nov 24When Should You Hire a Car Accident Lawyer?Some people call a car accident lawyer after any crash, even when the collision was very minor and they did no...VIEW ARTICLE
- Nov 19Delayed Injuries After a Car AccidentAfter a car accident, you may suffer several serious injuries that are immediately apparent. Broken bones, deep cuts and bruises, an...VIEW ARTICLE
- Nov 17The Difference Between Burglary and Home Invasion in PennsylvaniaIn early September, police in western Pennsylvania began an investigation into a case in which two people entered a woman’s home...VIEW ARTICLE
- Nov 12FAQs Surrounding Dog Bite Claims in PennsylvaniaDog bites cause very serious injuries and when they do, injured victims in Pennsylvania can file a claim to secure compensatio...VIEW ARTICLE
- Nov 10Drug Dealer or Murderer? The Charge of Drug Delivery Resulting in DeathMany people think that if a person is caught selling drugs in Pennsylvania, the harshest charge they will face is possessio...VIEW ARTICLE
- Nov 4How Healthcare Professionals can Cause Cerebral PalsyThe time of birth should be a very exciting time for parents but sometimes, a child is born with a disabilit...VIEW ARTICLE
- Nov 3An Overview of Sex Crimes in PennsylvaniaA recent story broke in which a Pennsylvania man was arrested for allegedly meeting up with minors to engage in sexua...VIEW ARTICLE
- Oct 30Can You Sue for a Wrongful Death by a Police Officer?Recently, the Court of Appeals Division in Washington State The story is a sad but interesting one. Cases involving police brutalit...VIEW ARTICLE
- Oct 29Trick-or-Treating Safely During COVID-19The COVID-19 pandemic has hit Pennsylvania hard, and changed just about everything about daily life in the state. Although it wa...VIEW ARTICLE
- Oct 27What to Do if You Have Been Falsely Accused of Domestic ViolenceDomestic violence is taken very seriously in Pennsylvania, and for good reason. No one should ever be the victim of thi...VIEW ARTICLE
- Oct 21What is a De Facto Life Sentence?The case of the “Serial Suburban Burglar” was heard in the Pennsylvania Supreme Court in early October. The court was divide...VIEW ARTICLE
- Oct 15Seven Factors that Will Affect Your Car Accident SettlementOne of the most common questions people ask after being involved in a car crash is how much their settlement wil...VIEW ARTICLE
- Oct 13What is Considered Drug Trafficking in Pennsylvania?Recently, a man was sentenced to twelve years in prison on two separate drug trafficking charges. Both charges were made i...VIEW ARTICLE
- Oct 8Types of Robbery in PennsylvaniaRecently, two men were arrested in Swissvale in connection with a number of armed robberies in Westmoreland and Washington Counties. The...VIEW ARTICLE
- Oct 6Tolling the Statute of Limitations in Wrongful Death CasesThe Pennsylvania Supreme Court recently ruled on the statute of limitations in wrongful death cases. A patient underwent a CT scan...VIEW ARTICLE
- Sep 30When can Police Search Your Car in Pennsylvania?Recently there was a story of a man that was pulled over for a fairly insignificant traffic violation, and ended u...VIEW ARTICLE
- Sep 28What to Do if You Suspect Nursing Home AbuseRecently, the Pennsylvania Department of Health issued a report showing a nursing home had given 205 patients doses of hydroxychloroquine. Th...VIEW ARTICLE
- Sep 25FAQs About Pennsylvania’s Motorcycle Helmet LawsMany motorcyclists are enjoying the beautiful few months they have to ride. Motorcyclists understand the dangers they may face while o...VIEW ARTICLE
- Sep 23Can You Use Force in Pennsylvania to Defend Yourself?An interesting story arose at the end of July. A man was charged with murder after getting into an altercation wit...VIEW ARTICLE
- Aug 19Give Yourself the Best Chance of Getting Your Charges DroppedIf you have been arrested for a crime you did not commit, you may think that an investigation will be done...VIEW ARTICLE
When are Children Tried as Adults in Pennsylvania?
Can You File a Lawsuit Over Negligent Security?
Is Breaking Into a Barn Considered Burglary in Pennsylvania?
Why Evidence is So Important in Your Slip and Fall Claim
What is the Statute of Limitations on Sex Crimes in Pennsylvania?
After Defending Trump, van der Veen Seeks More High-Profile Cases
How to Avoid a Slip and Fall on Your Property This Winter
What is the Crime of Public Drunkenness?
The Steps You Take After a Dog Bite are Crucial for Your Claim
Filing a Wrongful Death Claim After Nursing Home Abuse
Can Parents Face Criminal Charges if a Child Uses Their Gun in Pennsylvania?
Pennsylvania Lawmakers Pass Bill that Will Hurt the Elderly
What is Child Endangerment?
What to Do, and Not Do, After an Accident
Five Common Signs of Nursing Home Abuse You Should Not Ignore
Wire Fraud is a Very Serious Federal Offense
When Do Police have the Right to Search Your Vehicle?
What is a Property Owner’s Responsibility for Clearing Snow?
Can You Sue After Accepting an Insurance Settlement?
Drug Crimes Increase During COVID-19
Five Questions to Ask Your Doctor After a Car Crash
Parents can Face Penalties for Underage Drinking, Too
Statistics on Accidents Caused by Weather and Road Conditions in Pennsylvania
When Should You Hire a Personal Injury Attorney?
How Does the Defense of Duress Work in Pennsylvania?
FAQs Surrounding Medical Malpractice in Pennsylvania
What is Simple Assault?
What are Terroristic Threats Under Pennsylvania Law?
When Should You Hire a Car Accident Lawyer?
Delayed Injuries After a Car Accident
The Difference Between Burglary and Home Invasion in Pennsylvania
FAQs Surrounding Dog Bite Claims in Pennsylvania
Drug Dealer or Murderer? The Charge of Drug Delivery Resulting in Death
How Healthcare Professionals can Cause Cerebral Palsy
An Overview of Sex Crimes in Pennsylvania
Can You Sue for a Wrongful Death by a Police Officer?
Trick-or-Treating Safely During COVID-19
What to Do if You Have Been Falsely Accused of Domestic Violence
What is a De Facto Life Sentence?
Seven Factors that Will Affect Your Car Accident Settlement
What is Considered Drug Trafficking in Pennsylvania?
Types of Robbery in Pennsylvania
Tolling the Statute of Limitations in Wrongful Death Cases
When can Police Search Your Car in Pennsylvania?
What to Do if You Suspect Nursing Home Abuse
FAQs About Pennsylvania’s Motorcycle Helmet Laws
Can You Use Force in Pennsylvania to Defend Yourself?
Give Yourself the Best Chance of Getting Your Charges Dropped