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- Dec 19Philadelphia Traffic Accidents: What to Do When You're InjuredPhiladelphia, a vibrant and bustling city, is known for its historical landmarks, diverse culture, and thriving communities. However, along with it...VIEW ARTICLE
- Dec 18What Constitutes Self-Defense in Pennsylvania?When it comes to personal safety, self-defense is a fundamental concept that every individual should understand. But what exactly constitutes self-defense...VIEW ARTICLE
- Dec 11The Hazards of Icy Sidewalks: Understanding Premises Liability in PhiladelphiaWinter in Philadelphia brings its own set of challenges, from icy roads to frosty winds. However, one often underestimated hazard durin...VIEW ARTICLE
- Dec 4The Bail Process in Philadelphia: What You Should KnowPhiladelphia, a city steeped in history and culture, is also home to a complex criminal justice system. If you or ...VIEW ARTICLE
- Nov 21Historic Victory: van der Veen, Hartshorn, Levin & Lindheim Triumph in High-Profile Felony Assault CasePhiladelphia, November 2023 - In a landmark decision that underscores the importance of due process and the presumption of innocence, ou...VIEW ARTICLE
- Nov 17Understanding Comparative Negligence: What it Means for Your Personal Injury Claim in PAWhen you're involved in an accident, determining who's at fault is not always black and white. This is where the concep...VIEW ARTICLE
- Nov 15The Complexities of Slip and Fall Cases in Pennsylvania: What You Need to KnowAccidents happen, but when they occur due to someone else's negligence, it's essential to know your rights and how to proceed...VIEW ARTICLE
- Nov 8Your Rights as a Victim: What to Expect When Filing a Car Accident Claim in PhiladelphiaCar accidents Basic Rights You Have as a Victim If you've been involved in a car accident in Philadelphia, it's crucia...VIEW ARTICLE
- Nov 2Workplace Injuries in Philadelphia: When is it More Than Just a Workers’ Compensation Case?Philadelphia, like many cities, is bustling with businesses, industries, and service sectors that employ thousands of individuals. While every job come...VIEW ARTICLE
- Oct 27How to Fight Drug Possession Charges in PA: Strategies and DefensesIn the complex labyrinth of Understanding Pennsylvania's Drug Possession Laws Pennsylvania, like many other states, has stringent laws concerning th...VIEW ARTICLE
- Oct 20Medical Evaluation After a Brain Injury: Essential Steps for a Pennsylvania Injury ClaimBrain injuries Understanding Brain Injuries Brain injuries can range from mild concussions to severe traumatic brain injuries (TBIs). Symptoms might appea...VIEW ARTICLE
- Oct 13Understanding Liability in Multi-Vehicle Accidents in PhiladelphiaNavigating the aftermath of a Philadelphia's congested roads, with their mix of cars, trucks, buses, and cyclists, unfortunately, present ampl...VIEW ARTICLE
- Oct 6Who's Responsible for Sidewalk Slip and Fall Accidents in Philadelphia?Navigating the bustling sidewalks of Philadelphia, one wouldn't expect them to be a setting for potential accidents. However, sidewalk slip an...VIEW ARTICLE
- Sep 29Securing Justice and Accountability: An $11 Million Settlement for Victims of a Tragic Police ShootingAt van der Veen, Hartshorn, Levin & Lindheim, we understand that the lasting impact of tragic events goes far beyond headline...VIEW ARTICLE
- Sep 27The Legal Implications of Public Intoxication in Philadelphia: A Comprehensive GuidePublic intoxication may seem like a minor transgression, especially if you've responsibly decided not to drink and drive. However, if yo...VIEW ARTICLE
- Sep 20Understanding Felony Murder Charges in Pennsylvania: Why You Need Experienced Legal DefenseThe concept of murder is universally unsettling, but the legal system further complicates it by subdividing it into various categories. Eac...VIEW ARTICLE
- Sep 13Navigating Slip and Fall Injuries in Pennsylvania: Your Complete Legal GuideIn the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, individuals who own or manage a business are entrusted with an essential responsibility—ensuring the safety o...VIEW ARTICLE
- Sep 6Securing Justice for Truck Accident Victims: The Consequences of Driver Fatigue and How to Pursue CompensationThe consequences of Demystifying Driver Fatigue Fatigue, in a general sense, is the degradation of one's mental and/or physical facultie...VIEW ARTICLE
- Aug 23Drowsy Driving Lawsuits: Compensation for Victims of Fatigued DriversDrowsy driving I. Drowsy Driving Laws in Pennsylvania: Pennsylvania, like many other states, recognizes the dangers of drowsy driving and ha...VIEW ARTICLE
- Aug 18Michael van der Veen Comments on Solutions for the LSAT ProcessIt really wasn’t a great weekend for the Law School Admissions Test and the people behind it. Unlike in the olde...VIEW ARTICLE
- Aug 16When Does Simple Assault Become Aggravated? Factors That Upgrade Charges in PennsylvaniaIn the realm of criminal law in Pennsylvania, distinguishing between Simple Assault vs. Aggravated Assault: The Basics Before delving int...VIEW ARTICLE
- Aug 16Internet Sex Crimes: Types, Penalties, and Defense OptionsIn today's digital age, the internet has become an integral part of our lives, but it has also given rise t...VIEW ARTICLE
- Aug 9Legal Steps to Take After a Loved One Dies in a Truck AccidentTruck accidents 1. Seek Immediate Medical Attention: The first priority after a truck accident is to ensure the safety and well-bein...VIEW ARTICLE
- Jul 31Superior Court Reverses Conviction on Brady ViolationAfter losing a jury trial in York County, a client came looking for help at van der Veen, Hartshorn, Levin ...VIEW ARTICLE
- Jul 26Navigating Motorcycle Accident Wrongful Death Claims in PennsylvaniaMotorcycle accidents I. Understanding Wrongful Death Claims in Pennsylvania: Under Pennsylvania law, a wrongful death claim arises when a person's deat...VIEW ARTICLE
- Jul 21van der Veen, Hartshorn, Levin & Lindheim: Recognized Among The Legal Intelligencer's 2023 Watch ListIt is with immense pride and honor that we announce van der Veen, Hartshorn, Levin & Lindheim has been named t...VIEW ARTICLE
- Jul 19Hit by an Uber or Lyft: Who is Liable and What Are Your Rights?In the bustling streets of Pennsylvania, the prevalence of ride-sharing services like I. Rise of Ride-Sharing Services and the Potentia...VIEW ARTICLE
- Jul 12FAQs After A Pennsylvania Drunk Driving AccidentBeing involved in a 1. What should I do immediately after a drunk driving accident in Pennsylvania? After a drun...VIEW ARTICLE
- Jul 5What Should You Do After a Slip and Fall Accident at an Amusement Park?Amusement parks are places of joy and excitement, where families and friends come together to create lasting memories. However, amidst th...VIEW ARTICLE
- Jun 29Michael T. van der Veen Selected to the 2023 Nation’s Top One Percent list by the National Association of Distinguished CounselMichael T. van der Veen, of van der Veen, Hartshorn, Levin & Lindheim, has been selected to the 2023 list a...VIEW ARTICLE
- Jun 28van der Veen, Hartshorn, Levin & Lindheim Representing Former Wife Of Warren “Pete” Musser, Late Millionaire Investorvan der Veen, Hartshorn, Levin & Lindheim has filed suit on behalf of Hilary Musser, former wife of the late Warre...VIEW ARTICLE
- Jun 27What Are The Penalties For Refusing a DUI Test in Pennsylvania?Driving under the influence (DUI) is a serious crime that endangers public safety. To deter I. The Implied Consent Law...VIEW ARTICLE
- Jun 20Can You Sue a Driver for Texting While Driving in Pennsylvania?In an era where smartphones have become an integral part of our lives, the issue of Understanding Distracted Driving Law...VIEW ARTICLE
- Jun 13Safeguarding Your Rights: Steps to Take Immediately After an Auto AccidentBeing involved in a car accident can be a traumatic and overwhelming experience that demands immediate attention and action. In th...VIEW ARTICLE
- Jun 6What Happens When You Leave the Scene of an Accident?Leaving the scene of an accident, known as a hit-and-run, is a serious offense with severe legal implications. It is crucia...VIEW ARTICLE
- Jun 1van der Veen, Hartshorn, Levin & Lindheim Attorney Richard Coble Wins Not Guilty Verdicts in Double Homicidevan der Veen, Hartshorn, Levin & Lindheim is proud to announce that our criminal defense attorney Richard Coble won Not Guilt...VIEW ARTICLE
- May 31Understanding Simple Assault in PennsylvaniaEarlier this month, a Hanover, PA man was charged with assault after punching a woman in the stomach. She had recentl...VIEW ARTICLE
- May 28Understanding Wrongful Death Lawsuits in Pennsylvania: A Comprehensive GuideLosing a loved one due to someone else's negligence or intentional act is a devastating experience. In Pennsylvania, families have lega...VIEW ARTICLE
- May 26Partner Michael van der Veen is Representing Joe Cole BarletaMichael van der Veen “I have been retained by Mr. Barleta to defend against this indictment,” says Mr. van der Veen...VIEW ARTICLE
- May 24What is a Certificate of Merit in Medical Malpractice Cases?Medical malpractice cases are some of the most complicated in the area of civil law. It can be challenging to prov...VIEW ARTICLE
- May 21Protecting Passengers: Safety Measures and Legal Recourse in Uber and Lyft AccidentsRidesharing services such as Uber and Lyft have revolutionized the way people travel, providing convenient and affordable transportation options. However, a...VIEW ARTICLE
- May 17What is Defiant Trespassing in Pennsylvania?Most people in Pennsylvania are familiar with the term trespassing. The offense occurs when a person enters a property without permission...VIEW ARTICLE
- May 14The Role of Dram Shop Laws in Pennsylvania's Fight Against Drunk DrivingDrunk driving Pennsylvania’s Dram Shop Law Explained: Pennsylvania's dram shop law holds establishments and private individuals liable for serving alcohol t...VIEW ARTICLE
- May 10What is Strong-Arm Robbery?Recently, a man was about to walk into his home late at night when he was attacked by two men. The...VIEW ARTICLE
- May 8The Most Common Injuries Sustained in Pedestrian AccidentsPedestrian accidents are becoming a concern with the increase in road vehicles. Unfortunately, pedestrians are more likely to sustain injuries tha...VIEW ARTICLE
- May 7What Should I Do Immediately After a Slip and Fall Accident?Slip and fall accidents 1. Seek Medical Attention: The first and most important step after a slip and fall accident i...VIEW ARTICLE
- May 5Partner Michael van der Veen is Representing Family of Deceased Curtis SmithMichael van der Veen Any questions should be directed to Mr. van der Veen at his office phone at (215) 546-1000...VIEW ARTICLE
- May 3What Is Corruption Of Minors In Pennsylvania?Recently, a Youngwood man was sentenced to 19 years of probation after pleading guilty to two counts of child endangerment an...VIEW ARTICLE
- Apr 30Understanding Theft by Deception in PennsylvaniaA little-known type of theft was recently reported. That is theft by deception and a Pennsylvania couple is now facing charge...VIEW ARTICLE
- Apr 27Michael van der Veen has been hired by Brandon “Bam” Margera to represent him in his criminal chargesMichael van der Veen “He surrendered himself to Pennsylvania State Troopers this morning,” said Mr. van der Veen. “He was arraigne...VIEW ARTICLE
Philadelphia Traffic Accidents: What to Do When You're Injured
What Constitutes Self-Defense in Pennsylvania?
The Hazards of Icy Sidewalks: Understanding Premises Liability in Philadelphia
The Bail Process in Philadelphia: What You Should Know
Historic Victory: van der Veen, Hartshorn, Levin & Lindheim Triumph in High-Profile Felony Assault Case
Understanding Comparative Negligence: What it Means for Your Personal Injury Claim in PA
The Complexities of Slip and Fall Cases in Pennsylvania: What You Need to Know
Your Rights as a Victim: What to Expect When Filing a Car Accident Claim in Philadelphia
Workplace Injuries in Philadelphia: When is it More Than Just a Workers’ Compensation Case?
How to Fight Drug Possession Charges in PA: Strategies and Defenses
Medical Evaluation After a Brain Injury: Essential Steps for a Pennsylvania Injury Claim
Understanding Liability in Multi-Vehicle Accidents in Philadelphia
Who's Responsible for Sidewalk Slip and Fall Accidents in Philadelphia?
Securing Justice and Accountability: An $11 Million Settlement for Victims of a Tragic Police Shooting
The Legal Implications of Public Intoxication in Philadelphia: A Comprehensive Guide
Understanding Felony Murder Charges in Pennsylvania: Why You Need Experienced Legal Defense
Navigating Slip and Fall Injuries in Pennsylvania: Your Complete Legal Guide
Securing Justice for Truck Accident Victims: The Consequences of Driver Fatigue and How to Pursue Compensation
Drowsy Driving Lawsuits: Compensation for Victims of Fatigued Drivers
Michael van der Veen Comments on Solutions for the LSAT Process
When Does Simple Assault Become Aggravated? Factors That Upgrade Charges in Pennsylvania
Internet Sex Crimes: Types, Penalties, and Defense Options
Legal Steps to Take After a Loved One Dies in a Truck Accident
Superior Court Reverses Conviction on Brady Violation
Navigating Motorcycle Accident Wrongful Death Claims in Pennsylvania
van der Veen, Hartshorn, Levin & Lindheim: Recognized Among The Legal Intelligencer's 2023 Watch List
Hit by an Uber or Lyft: Who is Liable and What Are Your Rights?
FAQs After A Pennsylvania Drunk Driving Accident
What Should You Do After a Slip and Fall Accident at an Amusement Park?
Michael T. van der Veen Selected to the 2023 Nation’s Top One Percent list by the National Association of Distinguished Counsel
van der Veen, Hartshorn, Levin & Lindheim Representing Former Wife Of Warren “Pete” Musser, Late Millionaire Investor
What Are The Penalties For Refusing a DUI Test in Pennsylvania?
Can You Sue a Driver for Texting While Driving in Pennsylvania?
Safeguarding Your Rights: Steps to Take Immediately After an Auto Accident
What Happens When You Leave the Scene of an Accident?
van der Veen, Hartshorn, Levin & Lindheim Attorney Richard Coble Wins Not Guilty Verdicts in Double Homicide
Understanding Simple Assault in Pennsylvania
Understanding Wrongful Death Lawsuits in Pennsylvania: A Comprehensive Guide
Partner Michael van der Veen is Representing Joe Cole Barleta
What is a Certificate of Merit in Medical Malpractice Cases?
Protecting Passengers: Safety Measures and Legal Recourse in Uber and Lyft Accidents
What is Defiant Trespassing in Pennsylvania?
The Role of Dram Shop Laws in Pennsylvania's Fight Against Drunk Driving
What is Strong-Arm Robbery?
The Most Common Injuries Sustained in Pedestrian Accidents
What Should I Do Immediately After a Slip and Fall Accident?
Partner Michael van der Veen is Representing Family of Deceased Curtis Smith
What Is Corruption Of Minors In Pennsylvania?
Understanding Theft by Deception in Pennsylvania
Michael van der Veen has been hired by Brandon “Bam” Margera to represent him in his criminal charges