Recent News
- Jan 9Second DUI Convictions Come with Harsher SentencesIf you already have a driving under the influence (DUI) conviction, further convictions for DUI means stricter consequences. Choosing the righ...VIEW ARTICLE
- Jan 5Recovering Damages in a Pennsylvania Personal Injury LawsuitIf you or a loved one has been injured due to no fault of your own, you likely have valid persona...VIEW ARTICLE
- Jan 3What to Do If You Are Pulled Over for Driving Under the InfluenceBeing pulled over by an officer for possible drunk driving is a tense situation. It is easier for a person’s nerve...VIEW ARTICLE
- Dec 28Preventing Motorcycle AccidentsMotorcyclists need to be very cautious when driving. Proactive riders can help avoid dangerous collisions. Preparation is key to safely ridin...VIEW ARTICLE
- Dec 21Understanding Pennsylvania Child Pornography LawsThe humiliation and stigma of being criminally charged of child pornography is severe. It will affect every aspect of your lif...VIEW ARTICLE
- Dec 19Holding Southeast Pennsylvania Transportation Authority Liable for Your AssaultMillions of commuters rely on the Southeast Pennsylvania Transportation Authority (SEPTA) for travel. Many people rightfully worry about being injured i...VIEW ARTICLE
- Dec 14Think Before You Drive While DrowsySleep deprivation has become a widespread problem in our society. Lack of sleep has profound effects on our mind and body...VIEW ARTICLE
- Dec 13Preventing Nursing Home NeglectWe count on nursing home professionals to take care of our aging loved ones. We trust that they will provide prope...VIEW ARTICLE
- Dec 11Four Things You Need to Know About Pennsylvania Drug LawsA number of states have taken a more relaxed approach to the enforcement of certain Fact No. 1 – A Convictio...VIEW ARTICLE
- Dec 8Difference Between Simple Assault and Aggravated Assault in PennsylvaniaOne of the most common charges levied by Philadelphia police is assault. This is due to the extremely broad definition o...VIEW ARTICLE
- Dec 7Eight People Injured in South Philadelphia Car AccidentAn SUV reportedly hopped a sidewalk and barreled towards a block party that was taking place South Ringgold Street. Eight peopl...VIEW ARTICLE
- Dec 6Deadly Hit-and-Run Accident on 67th Street in Southwest PhiladelphiaWhen a vehicle collides with a pedestrian, it is usually the pedestrian that is left severely harmed with potentially life-threatening injuries...VIEW ARTICLE
- Dec 5Understanding Pennsylvania Dog Bite LawsInjuries incurred from a dog bite can have significant lifelong emotional and physical damage. Often, the injured party will require medical attentio...VIEW ARTICLE
- Nov 14Texting While Driving: An Epidemic That is Occurring More Than Drinking and DrivingTexting has become the most effective way to communicate for most people. It is rare to walk down the street an...VIEW ARTICLE
- Nov 13Shoplifting is Much More than a Harmless OffenseShoplifting is a crime that is often seen as minor or harmless. Of course, this view changes tremendously when you ar...VIEW ARTICLE
- Nov 9Were You Injured by a Negligent Business Owner?Most people do not know or fully understand that when they enter a business establishment, the owner owes each customer ...VIEW ARTICLE
- Sep 29What You Need to Know if Your Child is Charged with Underage DUINo parent wants to receive a phone call that their child is in jail and has been charged with a seriou...VIEW ARTICLE
- Sep 27Collecting Compensation for Injuries Caused by Defective AirbagsManufacturers are required to comply with certain safety regulations when designing and producing airbags. Unfortunately, many companies bypass these rules b...VIEW ARTICLE
- Sep 25Tips for Filing Motor Vehicle Accident LawsuitsReckless drivers in Pennsylvania cause thousands of major auto accidents each year, even while fatal accidents are on the decline. Man...VIEW ARTICLE
- Sep 22DUI Testing ChangesThe United States Supreme Court case concerned with the constitutionality of DUI testing will lead to changes in how The Suprem...VIEW ARTICLE
- Sep 20The Problem with Eyewitness TestimonyA Philadelphia news station recently released footage of a Although perhaps increasingly rare with today’s technology, there are some instances i...VIEW ARTICLE
- Sep 14Winter Dangers: Snow and IceAccording to various news outlets, including PennLive, we are in for a “snowier-than-normal” winter this year in Pennsylvania and surrounding states...VIEW ARTICLE
- Sep 12Police Shootings, Excessive Force, and YouThis past July, 30-year-old David Jones died after a Philadelphia police officer shot him in the back. Mr. Jones was reportedl...VIEW ARTICLE
- Aug 18The Defense Never Rests … Even in Summary CasesThe most important qualities of a A Summary Offense is the lowest level offense under Pennsylvania Law. Proceedings are usually hel...VIEW ARTICLE
- Aug 17Lifting a Bench WarrantIn Pennsylvania, courts are permitted to order bench warrants when defendants miss important court dates. These documents essentially direct law enforcemen...VIEW ARTICLE
- Aug 15Dooring AccidentsIn Pennsylvania, cyclists are prohibited from riding on sidewalks and so must often utilize streets alongside motor vehicles. While many driver...VIEW ARTICLE
- Jul 31What Qualifies as a Terry Stop?Recently, the Pennsylvania Superior Court issued an opinion, in which it restated the rule regarding police stops. Despite this clarification, i...VIEW ARTICLE
- Jul 29Collecting Compensation for Dog Bite-Related ComplicationsDog bites are known for being both painful and frightening. However, these injuries also come with a unique set of medica...VIEW ARTICLE
- Jul 28Can the Police Search My Hotel Room?With a few exceptions, law enforcement officers are only permitted to search a person’s private home if they have a searc...VIEW ARTICLE
- Jul 26Collecting Compensation for Injuries Sustained in a Head-on CollisionAll car accidents are frightening and potentially dangerous. There are, however, certain types of car crashes that are notorious for causin...VIEW ARTICLE
- Jul 6Pennsylvania Legislators Introduce Bill Aimed at Restoring Mandatory Minimum SentencingRecently, the House of Representatives passed House Bill 741, which proposes reinstating mandatory minimum sentences for specific crimes in Pennsylvania. Th...VIEW ARTICLE
- Jun 30When Are You Entitled to Receive Miranda Warnings?Miranda warnings play an extremely important role in protecting those who are suspected of committing a crime from having their word...VIEW ARTICLE
- Jun 29When are Parents Liable for the Actions of Their Children?Teenagers are notorious for being irresponsible and making poor, often reckless, decisions. Unfortunately, these decisions can prove deadly for others o...VIEW ARTICLE
- Jun 22Court’s Ruling Limits Application of Designer Drug Law in PennsylvaniaUnder Pennsylvania law, it is illegal to manufacture, possess, or distribute designer drugs. Determining what qualifies as a designer drug ca...VIEW ARTICLE
- Jun 20The Dangers of Cargo SpillsAlthough most people associate auto accidents with driver error, such as failing to yield, reckless driving, or violating a traffic law...VIEW ARTICLE
- Jun 15Upcoming Changes to Pennsylvania’s DUI LawLast year, Governor Wolf signed a bill into law that requires those who are convicted of driving with a BAC o...VIEW ARTICLE
- Jun 8Possessing an Instrument of a CrimeAlthough possessing an instrument of a crime is usually charged as a misdemeanor, it is one of the more serious lowe...VIEW ARTICLE
- Jun 6Four New Traffic Laws Introduced in PennsylvaniaIn an effort to cut down on the number of car accidents occurring across the state, the Pennsylvania Legislature passed ...VIEW ARTICLE
- May 25Marijuana PossessionAlthough Pennsylvania has begun to pass and implement medical marijuana laws across the state, it is still illegal to possess marijuan...VIEW ARTICLE
- May 18When Can the Police Search My Car and Its Contents?It is a well-established legal principle that law enforcement officers are permitted to search a person’s car without a warrant. However...VIEW ARTICLE
- May 17Can the Sender of a Text Message be Held Liable for a Resulting Crash?In Pennsylvania, it is against the law for drivers to read or send text messages while they are operating a vehicle...VIEW ARTICLE
- May 11Pennsylvania Court Requires Police to Corroborate Testimony of Confidential InformantsLaw enforcement officers often rely on tips from confidential informants in order to obtain search warrants. Unfortunately, even when a cas...VIEW ARTICLE
- May 9The Dangers of Chemical SpillsEvery year, commercial trucks transport an array of products ranging from livestock and agricultural products to furniture and toys. However, i...VIEW ARTICLE
- May 3Collecting Compensation for Accidents Caused by Commercial Truck Brake FailureThe Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) estimates that around 29 percent of accidents involving commercial trucks are caused by brak...VIEW ARTICLE
- Apr 27What Qualifies as a Deadly Weapon?One of the ways that a person can be convicted of aggravated assault in Pennsylvania is if the prosecutor can demonstrat...VIEW ARTICLE
- Apr 20The Importance of Proper Tire MaintenanceIn many cases, there is nothing a driver can do to avoid a car crash. Poor weather, auto defects, and th...VIEW ARTICLE
- Apr 17Court Limits Application of Law Prohibiting Possession of Weapons on School GroundsLast month, the Pennsylvania Superior Court published a decision that broadens the scope of the defenses available to those who fac...VIEW ARTICLE
- Apr 4Collecting Compensation for Accidents Caused by Road DebrisAccording to a recent study published by the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety, over the last four years there were mor...VIEW ARTICLE
Second DUI Convictions Come with Harsher Sentences
Recovering Damages in a Pennsylvania Personal Injury Lawsuit
What to Do If You Are Pulled Over for Driving Under the Influence
Preventing Motorcycle Accidents
Understanding Pennsylvania Child Pornography Laws
Holding Southeast Pennsylvania Transportation Authority Liable for Your Assault
Think Before You Drive While Drowsy
Preventing Nursing Home Neglect
Four Things You Need to Know About Pennsylvania Drug Laws
Difference Between Simple Assault and Aggravated Assault in Pennsylvania
Eight People Injured in South Philadelphia Car Accident
Deadly Hit-and-Run Accident on 67th Street in Southwest Philadelphia
Understanding Pennsylvania Dog Bite Laws
Texting While Driving: An Epidemic That is Occurring More Than Drinking and Driving
Shoplifting is Much More than a Harmless Offense
Were You Injured by a Negligent Business Owner?
What You Need to Know if Your Child is Charged with Underage DUI
Collecting Compensation for Injuries Caused by Defective Airbags
Tips for Filing Motor Vehicle Accident Lawsuits
DUI Testing Changes
The Problem with Eyewitness Testimony
Winter Dangers: Snow and Ice
Police Shootings, Excessive Force, and You
The Defense Never Rests … Even in Summary Cases
Lifting a Bench Warrant
Dooring Accidents
What Qualifies as a Terry Stop?
Collecting Compensation for Dog Bite-Related Complications
Can the Police Search My Hotel Room?
Collecting Compensation for Injuries Sustained in a Head-on Collision
Pennsylvania Legislators Introduce Bill Aimed at Restoring Mandatory Minimum Sentencing
When Are You Entitled to Receive Miranda Warnings?
When are Parents Liable for the Actions of Their Children?
Court’s Ruling Limits Application of Designer Drug Law in Pennsylvania
The Dangers of Cargo Spills
Upcoming Changes to Pennsylvania’s DUI Law
Possessing an Instrument of a Crime
Four New Traffic Laws Introduced in Pennsylvania
Marijuana Possession
When Can the Police Search My Car and Its Contents?
Can the Sender of a Text Message be Held Liable for a Resulting Crash?
Pennsylvania Court Requires Police to Corroborate Testimony of Confidential Informants
The Dangers of Chemical Spills
Collecting Compensation for Accidents Caused by Commercial Truck Brake Failure
What Qualifies as a Deadly Weapon?
The Importance of Proper Tire Maintenance
Court Limits Application of Law Prohibiting Possession of Weapons on School Grounds
Collecting Compensation for Accidents Caused by Road Debris