Recent News
- Oct 9Eyewitness IdentificationsWe ’ve all seen it on TV or perhaps in real life: a witness testifies that the defendant is the person wh...VIEW ARTICLE
- Oct 4Carbon Dioxide Poisoning From Keyless CarsHow often is the potential danger of an activity outweighed by its convenience? In the case of driving, the answer is...VIEW ARTICLE
- Oct 2Felon Voting Rights in PennsylvaniaVoting is a sacred right in any democracy, and sadly six million Americans have had their right to vote taken awa...VIEW ARTICLE
- Sep 25Injuries from Flammable Fuel GelFlammable fuel gel is a dangerous substance used in personal “fire pots” and wickless candles, commonly found in backyard barbeques an...VIEW ARTICLE
- Sep 24What Megan’s Law Could Mean For Your FutureBeing convicted of a Mandatory Registration Required by Pennsylvania Law Under Megan’s Law, 42 Pa.C.S § 9799.32(1) and § 9799.67(1), anyon...VIEW ARTICLE
- Sep 21PAC FraudA Political Action Committee or “PAC” is a political donation tool used to support or defeat candidates running for office. ...VIEW ARTICLE
- Sep 20Expungement Eligibility – Can I get this off my record?You were young, drunk, in a bad time in your life, or took a plea deal “just to be done wit...VIEW ARTICLE
- Sep 19Recent Norovirus OutbreaksMore than 500 visitors to a Tennessee zipline canopy tour have reported serious gastrointestinal illnesses, with symptoms similar to those o...VIEW ARTICLE
- Sep 13Pennsylvania Police Misuse of Hate Crime LawAccording to the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), Pennsylvania police officers have been using our hate crime law to make arrest...VIEW ARTICLE
- Sep 12Airline Sexual HarassmentCountless cell phone video recordings have captured the abuses some passengers have faced in recent years by flight staff, police, an...VIEW ARTICLE
- Sep 8Assessing the Future After a Train AccidentReuters and other news outlets recently reported that sulfur fires broke out in the small southern Pennsylvania town of Hyndman afte...VIEW ARTICLE
- Aug 9Philadelphia Woman Beaten on the Beach By Police in Show of Excessive ForceA New Jersey police officer was filmed punching an unarmed 20-year-old woman from Philadelphia in the head and neck as h...VIEW ARTICLE
- Jul 26Medical Negligence of Dancing Doctor Injures Nearly 100 WomenShocking videos posted on YouTube show a dancing, singing dermatologist performing for the camera as she operates on sedated patients. Wit...VIEW ARTICLE
- Jul 23Protecting Yourself from Excessive Force During an ArrestThe majority of Americans know that when a police officer wishes to make an Your Right to Protect Yourself You hav...VIEW ARTICLE
- Jul 18Injuries Caused by Recalled VehiclesOne of the last thing that a driver imagines happening when they get behind the wheel, start the ignition, pull ou...VIEW ARTICLE
- Jul 17Charges Stemming from Paintball FightsIn Detroit, paintball enthusiasts began staging mini gun fights and drive-bys with paintball guns, instead of real guns. Proponents of thes...VIEW ARTICLE
- Jul 12Condoms as Instruments of CrimeUnder the touted banner of fighting human trafficking, Pennsylvania law enforcement is Does Making Commercial Sex Worker Arrests Really Reduce Huma...VIEW ARTICLE
- Jul 9Holding Drivers ResponsibleUnfortunately, drivers who strike and kill pedestrians and cyclists rarely face any criminal charges, according to newspaper investigative reports around th...VIEW ARTICLE
- Jul 5Lawyer ConfidentialityLawyer confidentiality is one of the most sacred aspects of the lawyer-client relationship. According to the American Bar Association, attorneys ar...VIEW ARTICLE
- Jul 2Recent Salmonella OutbreaksOutbreak of Salmonella in Kellogg’s Honey Smacks Cereal A salmonella outbreak has caused dozens of people to get violently ill i...VIEW ARTICLE
- Jun 21Fighting Back Against False ArrestTwo African American Starbucks customers were arrested for nothing more than being in the store and being black. According to th...VIEW ARTICLE
- Jun 19Filing a Toxic Tort Against Your LandlordWere you informed of lead-based paint, asbestos, or other toxic substances when you began renting your apartment or home? Landlords ar...VIEW ARTICLE
- Jun 17Kellogg’s Recalls Cereal after Dozens Sickened Across the CountryOn June 14th, food manufacturing giant Kellogg’s announced a voluntary recall of certain boxes of its Honey Smacks cereal. Kellogg’s initiate...VIEW ARTICLE
- Jun 14Unlawful RestraintA Pennsylvania man was recently Unlawful Restraint: First Degree Misdemeanor or Second Degree Felony Depending on Age of Victim Titl...VIEW ARTICLE
- Jun 12Did the Dog Have a Bad History of Aggression?Dog bites What is a Dangerous Dog? While pit bulls are responsible for more than half of all dog attack death...VIEW ARTICLE
- Jun 7Proving Nursing Home AbuseTragically, Using Hidden Camera to Show Abuse in Nursing Homes The adult son of an elderly man in a Michigan nursin...VIEW ARTICLE
- Jun 6Rape Versus Statutory Sexual AssaultThere are many misconceptions surrounding Rape According to Chapter 31 Sexual Offenses of the Pennsylvania General Code, rape is defined a...VIEW ARTICLE
- Jun 1TrespassingThere are many various types of criminal trespassing in Pennsylvania, each with a specific criminal penalty and set of punishments. I...VIEW ARTICLE
- May 18Pleading InsanityOne of the criteria for The Majority of those in the U.S. Prison and Jail Population have a Mental Health Disorde...VIEW ARTICLE
- May 15How Long Does a Traffic Accident Lawsuit Take?If you are injured in a traffic collision, your injuries need to be treated immediately. You obviously cannot postpone necessary medica...VIEW ARTICLE
- May 8Product Liability: Burn InjuriesA 50-year-old Alsace Township woman was critically burned while frying eggs in her home earlier this winter, as reported by WFM...VIEW ARTICLE
- May 4Philadelphia VIPOver the past several weeks the attorneys of van der Veen, Hartshorn, Levin & Lindheim have successfully resolved several pro bon...VIEW ARTICLE
- May 2Three Types of Expert Witnesses Used in Traffic Accident ClaimsIn a personal injury case, an expert witness is a person called upon by either the defendant or plaintiff to she...VIEW ARTICLE
- May 2Is Proximity to a Crime Scene Probable Cause?A Philadelphia man was recently arrested for rape, battery, theft, and a half dozen other crimes, when he allegedly returned t...VIEW ARTICLE
- May 1Attorney Richard Kravets Secures Not Guilty VerdictThis past week, Attorney Richard Kravets secured a not guilty verdict for a client accused of misdemeanor crimes that he didn’...VIEW ARTICLE
- Apr 30Opioid Homicide ChargesA Galeton, Pennsylvania criminal case involving an opioid overdose led to the arrest and prosecution of a Lewistown woman for murder...VIEW ARTICLE
- Apr 27What Are My Chances of Being Involved in an Auto Collision?Motor vehicle collisions are an unfortunate reality of living in the U.S. Whether you drive, walk, or ride your bike, yo...VIEW ARTICLE
- Apr 12Possession vs. Possession with Intent to SellWhen facing a An Individual Would Not Have that Quantity of a Controlled Substance for Personal Use If you are foun...VIEW ARTICLE
- Apr 10The Cost of a Traffic CollisionOver the past five years of the most current available data, from 2012 through 2016, the total number of reported Pennsylvani...VIEW ARTICLE
- Mar 28Child MalnourishmentChild endangerment is charged as a serious Child Malnourishment in Pennsylvania The story above is an extreme example of child endangermen...VIEW ARTICLE
- Mar 26Faulty Fire Extinguishers RecalledEarlier this winter, the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) Kidde Fire Extinguishers Spanning More Than Four Decades Have Been Recalle...VIEW ARTICLE
- Mar 22Juvenile Court vs. Adult PunishmentIf your child is charged with a Crimes Charged as Adult Offenses According to 42 Pennsylvania C.S statute 6301, if ...VIEW ARTICLE
- Mar 21Were You Hit by a Drunk Driver?Drunk drivers have caused havoc on Pennsylvania roadways ever since the automobile was invented, and they continue to do so today...VIEW ARTICLE
- Mar 12You’ve Just Had a Car Accident | Now What?Many of us have been driving for a long, long time. But, it never hurts to review this checklist. Times hav...VIEW ARTICLE
- Feb 27Pennsylvania Follows Modified Comparative NegligenceThe amount a party can recover in a civil suit depends on what type of negligence system the state follows. Throughou...VIEW ARTICLE
- Feb 22Multiple DUI Convictions Can Have Devastating EffectsThe more DUIs a person accumulates, the harsher the punishments and fines. Drunk driving does not only cause dangerous collisions, leavin...VIEW ARTICLE
- Feb 19Identity TheftAs technology continues to expand, we share our private lives more and more online. This leaves the door wide open fo...VIEW ARTICLE
- Feb 15Bicyclist InjuriesA 24-year-old bicyclist was killed by the driver of a garbage truck in City Center in late November of last year...VIEW ARTICLE
Eyewitness Identifications
Carbon Dioxide Poisoning From Keyless Cars
Felon Voting Rights in Pennsylvania
Injuries from Flammable Fuel Gel
What Megan’s Law Could Mean For Your Future
PAC Fraud
Expungement Eligibility – Can I get this off my record?
Recent Norovirus Outbreaks
Pennsylvania Police Misuse of Hate Crime Law
Airline Sexual Harassment
Assessing the Future After a Train Accident
Philadelphia Woman Beaten on the Beach By Police in Show of Excessive Force
Medical Negligence of Dancing Doctor Injures Nearly 100 Women
Protecting Yourself from Excessive Force During an Arrest
Injuries Caused by Recalled Vehicles
Charges Stemming from Paintball Fights
Condoms as Instruments of Crime
Holding Drivers Responsible
Lawyer Confidentiality
Recent Salmonella Outbreaks
Fighting Back Against False Arrest
Filing a Toxic Tort Against Your Landlord
Kellogg’s Recalls Cereal after Dozens Sickened Across the Country
Unlawful Restraint
Did the Dog Have a Bad History of Aggression?
Proving Nursing Home Abuse
Rape Versus Statutory Sexual Assault
Pleading Insanity
How Long Does a Traffic Accident Lawsuit Take?
Product Liability: Burn Injuries
Philadelphia VIP
Three Types of Expert Witnesses Used in Traffic Accident Claims
Is Proximity to a Crime Scene Probable Cause?
Attorney Richard Kravets Secures Not Guilty Verdict
Opioid Homicide Charges
What Are My Chances of Being Involved in an Auto Collision?
Possession vs. Possession with Intent to Sell
The Cost of a Traffic Collision
Child Malnourishment
Faulty Fire Extinguishers Recalled
Juvenile Court vs. Adult Punishment
Were You Hit by a Drunk Driver?
You’ve Just Had a Car Accident | Now What?
Pennsylvania Follows Modified Comparative Negligence
Multiple DUI Convictions Can Have Devastating Effects
Identity Theft
Bicyclist Injuries