Recent News
- Jun 12Is It Illegal to Knowingly Give Police False Information?In the beginning of April, a woman in Pennsylvania was convicted of falsely accusing two state troopers of raping her. Sh...VIEW ARTICLE
- Jun 11Can Postal Workers Sue for Dog Bites?It’s a known fact that dogs and postal workers don’t often get along. Dogs become territorial and bark madly as th...VIEW ARTICLE
- Jun 6What Duty do Store Owners Owe Customers?In early April, a case about a man slipping on a wet floor in a pet store made news. The ma...VIEW ARTICLE
- Jun 4What is Reckless Endangerment?In mid-April, Derry Borough Mayor Kevin Gross was arrested on charges of aggravated assault, simple assault, reckless endangerment, and harassment. Th...VIEW ARTICLE
- May 30Understanding Robbery in PennsylvaniaA Jamestown, Pennsylvania man was arrested at the end of April on robbery charges. He drove his friend to the par...VIEW ARTICLE
- May 28Can You Really Sue Over Hot Coffee?Recently, a story of hot coffee made news once again as a Philadelphia man has dropped a lawsuit alleging that Wawa’...VIEW ARTICLE
- May 23Kidnapping is an Extremely Serious Crime in PennsylvaniaIn late April, neighbors were shocked to hear the story of a man that kidnapped a four-year-old girl and kept he...VIEW ARTICLE
- May 21What are the Laws on Product Liability in Pennsylvania?In the middle of April, a woman filed a lawsuit in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania...VIEW ARTICLE
- May 20Aggravated Assault vs. Attempted Murder Charges in PennsylvaniaIn early March, a Pennsylvania woman was charged with attempted murder after throwing a knife at her boyfriend. The knife struc...VIEW ARTICLE
- May 6How do Damages for Loss of Enjoyment of Life Work in Pennsylvania?In early March, a Pennsylvania appeals court upheld a man’s personal injury award for injuries he sustained in a car crash...VIEW ARTICLE
- May 2Personal Injury Lawsuits Involving Adults vs. ChildrenAccidents happen, and they’re often the fault of another person. These types of accidents don’t only happen to adults, though. Childre...VIEW ARTICLE
- Apr 30Cocaine and Meth Crimes on the Rise in PennsylvaniaAccording to ABC News, certain areas of Pennsylvania have seen increased incidents of meth and cocaine abuse. These areas are Philadelphia...VIEW ARTICLE
- Apr 23What’s the Difference Between Murder and Manslaughter in Pennsylvania?In February of 2019, Ryan Taylor was convicted of involuntary manslaughter for the death of Danee Mower. Taylor and Mower wer...VIEW ARTICLE
- Apr 22Reminder to “Slow Down to Get Around”In December of 2018, a new law was passed in Pennsylvania but many residents are still unaware of it, or they’r...VIEW ARTICLE
- Apr 11The Difference Between Theft and Embezzlement in PennsylvaniaRecently, the founder of Marauder Aquatic Club was accused with stealing nearly $40,000 from the aquatic club over a period o...VIEW ARTICLE
- Apr 10Who Is Liable for a Commercial Truck Accident?In the middle of February, a truck accident occurred on the Pennsylvania Turnpike. The accident occurred when a wheel flew of...VIEW ARTICLE
- Apr 3What is an attractive nuisance claim?Transcript: Attractive nuisances, something that a property owner keeps on their property that could be attractive to children but because o...VIEW ARTICLE
- Mar 26Who’s Liable in a Car Accident when Icy Roads are a Factor?Ice and snow were cited as the reason for three In order to answer this question, three different legal concepts mus...VIEW ARTICLE
- Mar 25What is a Criminal Mistrial, and What Does It Mean for a Case?Recently, the case of a man accused of shooting a clerk in a Pennsylvania gas station in October of 2017 ende...VIEW ARTICLE
- Mar 19How Reliable is the Government Star Rating for Nursing Homes?Making the decision to place a loved one in a The laws pertaining to nursing homes though, are many. It ca...VIEW ARTICLE
- Mar 19What Rights Do I Have if I’m Taken in For Questioning?The Sixth Amendment The Sometimes in an effort to close a case and get a conviction, law enforcement officials don’t alway...VIEW ARTICLE
- Mar 11Wrongful Death Claims vs. Survival Claims: What’s the Difference?Losing a In Pennsylvania, A Wrongful Death Claim in Pennsylvania Wrongful death is outlined in Pennsylvania’s Consolidated Statutes, Title 42, Chapte...VIEW ARTICLE
- Mar 7What You Need to Know About Field Sobriety Tests in PennsylvaniaWhen police officers suspect someone of a Three Main Field Sobriety Tests A The walk-and-turn test is exactly what it sound...VIEW ARTICLE
- Mar 6Are Ski Resorts Liable for Accidents?It’s optimal ski weather all around Pennsylvania right now. Unfortunately, a day of skiing doesn’t always result in just good memorie...VIEW ARTICLE
- Feb 20Aggravated Assault on a Police Officerolice were called to the home of an Altoona, Pennsylvania man’s home to investigate alleged animal cruelty. Law enforcement found ...VIEW ARTICLE
- Feb 19Wrongful Death Police Shootings and BrutalityA black security guard was recently shot down by police during an active shooter situation in a bar outside of Chicago...VIEW ARTICLE
- Feb 14The Risk of Letting Unauthorized Individuals Drive a VehicleIn recent news, a Philadelphia woman has had charges of homicide by vehicle and involuntary manslaughter dropped. The case though, i...VIEW ARTICLE
- Feb 6Is Pennsylvania a No-Fault Auto Insurance State?Car insurance is going to be an issue anytime there is a Most states have a tort, or fault, system o...VIEW ARTICLE
- Feb 6van der Veen, Hartshorn, Levin & Lindheim – 10 Best Law Firm in Pennsylvania For Client SatisfactionThe American Institute of Criminal Law Attorneys has recognized the exceptional performance of Pennsylvania’s Criminal Law Firm, van der Veen, Hartshorn...VIEW ARTICLE
- Feb 4Governor Tom Wolf Issues First Act of Clemency in Two YearsOn December 19, 2018, Governor Tom Wolf commuted a drug dealer’s life sentence. It was his first act of clemency i...VIEW ARTICLE
- Jan 31First Phase of Clean Slate Bill Goes into Effect in PennsylvaniaThere’s good news for Pennsylvanians! The Clean Slate bill that was signed into law by Governor Tom Wolf in June o...VIEW ARTICLE
- Jan 29Does Pennsylvania Place Caps on Damages?When While many states place a cap, or limit, on the amount of certain damages an accident victim can receive, tha...VIEW ARTICLE
- Jan 22What is Reasonable Doubt?Being The Case of Basil Brooks The case in question was that of Basil Brooks’, who was charged with killing Derric...VIEW ARTICLE
- Jan 10Parking Lot Injuries Caused by Poor MaintenanceParking lots can be dangerous. While our initial fear may be rooted in parking lot and parking garage robberies and rapes...VIEW ARTICLE
- Jan 4New Protest Laws Are Popping Up All Over the CountryWe are living in a new age of American protests. From Women’s Marches, Black Lives Matter, ANTIFA, and DAPL pipeline resistanc...VIEW ARTICLE
- Jan 2Filing a Lawsuit Against a Municipality For a Traffic CollisionIn almost all Poor Road Conditions Do Cause Crashes Over 50,000 potholes were filled in Philadelphia this past year, according t...VIEW ARTICLE
- Dec 28Use of Video Footage and Social Media in Personal Injury ClaimsNearly everyone is equipped with a camera everywhere they go. In just the last two years, 90 percent of all dat...VIEW ARTICLE
- Dec 25I Know That I Am Innocent; Do I Still Need an Attorney?There is an unfortunate misconception that if you are charged with a crime and you know that you are innocent, the...VIEW ARTICLE
- Dec 19Hereditary Genetic Testing and its Role in Criminal ProsecutionsDNA testing has allowed a breakthrough in 15 Million People Have Taken Hereditary Genetic Tests You may have heard about ancestr...VIEW ARTICLE
- Dec 18Filing a Personal Injury Lawsuit Against a Social HostPennsylvania has some of the most strict laws governing alcohol of any state. For instance, liquor and wine can only b...VIEW ARTICLE
- Nov 15Emotional Distress DamagesBeing injured in a car collision, as a pedestrian, or walking in a store and slipping on an unmarked puddle ca...VIEW ARTICLE
- Nov 13Does Pennsylvania Have a Stand Your Ground Law?Self Defense and Duty to Retreat Under 18 Pa. C.S.A § 505, it is No Duty to Retreat Under Stand You...VIEW ARTICLE
- Nov 8Trafficking in MinorsA New Jersey man has been arrested by Pennsylvania law enforcement for trafficking in minors, unlawful contact with a minor, an...VIEW ARTICLE
- Nov 6Duck Boat DrowningsSeventeen people were killed in a tragic drowning incident in Missouri when their “duck boat” was capsized in a sudden storm...VIEW ARTICLE
- Nov 1Theft by Deception, Unsworn Falsifying, and Official OppressionA seven-year veteran of the Philadelphia police force was recently arrested for his alleged part in falsifying Theft by Deception Thef...VIEW ARTICLE
- Oct 30NO, you shouldn’t give a statement to police!Upon learning of charges, an innocent person accused of a crime probably has a gut reaction to start talking, go i...VIEW ARTICLE
- Oct 25Recent Pennsylvania Train AccidentsTwo pedestrians were killed in two separate incidents after being Rail Hazards in Philadelphia In 2017, 824 people were killed i...VIEW ARTICLE
- Oct 23Offenses Against the American FlagWe are living in a time of extreme political tension, where protests and displays of free speech are commonplace. Flags hav...VIEW ARTICLE
Is It Illegal to Knowingly Give Police False Information?
Can Postal Workers Sue for Dog Bites?
What Duty do Store Owners Owe Customers?
What is Reckless Endangerment?
Understanding Robbery in Pennsylvania
Can You Really Sue Over Hot Coffee?
Kidnapping is an Extremely Serious Crime in Pennsylvania
What are the Laws on Product Liability in Pennsylvania?
Aggravated Assault vs. Attempted Murder Charges in Pennsylvania
How do Damages for Loss of Enjoyment of Life Work in Pennsylvania?
Personal Injury Lawsuits Involving Adults vs. Children
Cocaine and Meth Crimes on the Rise in Pennsylvania
What’s the Difference Between Murder and Manslaughter in Pennsylvania?
Reminder to “Slow Down to Get Around”
The Difference Between Theft and Embezzlement in Pennsylvania
Who Is Liable for a Commercial Truck Accident?
What is an attractive nuisance claim?
Who’s Liable in a Car Accident when Icy Roads are a Factor?
What is a Criminal Mistrial, and What Does It Mean for a Case?
How Reliable is the Government Star Rating for Nursing Homes?
What Rights Do I Have if I’m Taken in For Questioning?
Wrongful Death Claims vs. Survival Claims: What’s the Difference?
What You Need to Know About Field Sobriety Tests in Pennsylvania
Are Ski Resorts Liable for Accidents?
Aggravated Assault on a Police Officer
Wrongful Death Police Shootings and Brutality
The Risk of Letting Unauthorized Individuals Drive a Vehicle
Is Pennsylvania a No-Fault Auto Insurance State?
van der Veen, Hartshorn, Levin & Lindheim – 10 Best Law Firm in Pennsylvania For Client Satisfaction
Governor Tom Wolf Issues First Act of Clemency in Two Years
First Phase of Clean Slate Bill Goes into Effect in Pennsylvania
Does Pennsylvania Place Caps on Damages?
What is Reasonable Doubt?
Parking Lot Injuries Caused by Poor Maintenance
New Protest Laws Are Popping Up All Over the Country
Filing a Lawsuit Against a Municipality For a Traffic Collision
Use of Video Footage and Social Media in Personal Injury Claims
I Know That I Am Innocent; Do I Still Need an Attorney?
Hereditary Genetic Testing and its Role in Criminal Prosecutions
Filing a Personal Injury Lawsuit Against a Social Host
Emotional Distress Damages
Does Pennsylvania Have a Stand Your Ground Law?
Trafficking in Minors
Duck Boat Drownings
Theft by Deception, Unsworn Falsifying, and Official Oppression
NO, you shouldn’t give a statement to police!
Recent Pennsylvania Train Accidents
Offenses Against the American Flag