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Multiple DUI Convictions Can Have Devastating Effects

February 22, 2018

By van der Veen, Hartshorn, Levin & Lindheim

The more DUIs a person accumulates, the harsher the punishments and fines. Drunk driving does not only cause dangerous collisions, leaving others hurt and wounded; it can also cause irrevocable harm to your reputation, career, and personal life. If you have been charged with a DUI offense and already have prior DUI convictions, you face serious consequences. You need the assistance of a skilled and reputable Philadelphia multiple DUI attorney. Many people falsely believe they do not need a lawyer to defend them. When your freedom is threatened because of possible long-term prison sentences, you need the experience of van der Veen, Hartshorn, Levin & Lindheim.

Determining Multiple DUI Penalties

Driving under the influence (DUI) laws consider a motorist’s prior offenses and blood alcohol content (BAC) level when determining a DUI driver’s penalties and license suspension.

General Impairment Penalties (BAC Undetermined or .08 to .099%) for 2 or More Prior DUI Offenses

A motorist with two or more previous DUI offenses is charged with a second-degree misdemeanor. The penalties can include between 10 days and two years in prison, fines from $500 to $5,000, license suspension for 12 months, and treatment when court ordered. An ignition interlock of one year is mandatory as well.

Penalties for High BAC (.10 to .159%) with 2 or More Previous DUI Offenses

If a driver has more than two DUI offenses already, an additional charge is a first-degree misdemeanor. The driver can spend anywhere from 90 days to 5 years in prison. The motorist’s license is suspended for 18 months and fines between $1,500 to $10,000 must be paid. For one year, an ignition interlock must be used. The driver may also have to seek substance abuse training if mandated by the court.

High BAC (.10 to .159% BAC) Penalties for 3 or More Earlier DUI Offenses

With three or more DUI past offenses, a driver faces a first-degree misdemeanor and an 18-month license suspension. The prison term is between one to five years and fines can range from $1,500 to $10,000. A one year ignition interlock is assigned. The court may order the driver to participate in substance abuse training.

Penalties for Highest BAC (.16% and higher) for 2 or More Past DUI Offenses

With two or more prior DUI offenses, a driver faces a first-degree misdemeanor charge. The motorist can have his license suspended for up 18 months, prison time from one year to five years, and at least $2,500 but no more than $10,000 in fines. An ignition interlock for one year is binding. The court can also require the motorist to attend substance abuse program.

Ignition Interlock

In the past, drivers were able to forego using an ignition interlock by serving an additional one year license suspension. Motorists can apply for an exemption to an ignition interlock under two conditions, financial hardship and employment. Drivers can apply for a financial hardship exemption and if successful, only one car is required ignition interlock system. The employment exemption allows restricted drivers to operate employer vehicles but only if it is used during and for the purpose of employment. The driver is required to install ignition interlocks on all vehicles, whether owned or leased, before driving privileges will be restored.

Contact a Lawyer Immediately

van der Veen, Hartshorn, Levin & Lindheim will vigorously defend you. Our knowledgeable and dedicated Philadelphia multiple DUI attorneys are devoted to defending your rights and freedom. We not only have years of experiences handling multiple DUI cases, we take the time to defend each client relentlessly. Schedule a free consultation at our downtown Philadelphia offices at (215) 486-0123.




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