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How To Ensure Your Pool Is Safe This Summer

August 18, 2021

By Van Der Veen, Hartshorn, and Levin

While pools do offer a refreshing way to cool off when you want to beat the heat, they also pose a number of dangers. If someone is hurt in your pool, you could be held liable for paying damages such as their medical expenses, lost income, loss of earning capacity, and more. To ensure that everyone is kept safe in your pool this summer, follow the below tips.

Install a Fence

Most swimming pools in the Commonwealth require a fence around them to keep everyone safe. The Uniform Construction Code states that pools that are over 24 inches deep must have a fence around them. Swimming pools that are above ground can use the sides of the pool as a fence. However, they must also be fitted with a ladder that is removable and that is kept in a secure place when the pool is not in use.

Always Implement the Buddy System

It is always a good idea for people to use the buddy system when people are in or around their pool. Drowning is silent, and it is quick. In some cases, drowning can happen within 20 seconds. Children should only swim when they are supervised and they should also be taught never to swim alone. Anyone that is supervising children swimming should also refrain from consuming alcohol or anything else that could impair their judgment.

Learn CPR and How to Swim

Knowing how to swim is a person’s best defense against drowning. You should always ensure that you know how to swim, and that anyone going into your pool knows how to, as well. You and every other adult in your home should also take a CPR class offered by the Red Cross. The seconds during or after a swimming pool accident are critical and knowing emergency procedures can save a life.

Install Safety Covers

The drains and skimmers in swimming pools have incredible suction power and they can easily trap a person by their hair, jewelry, swimsuit strings, and even their legs. When someone becomes trapped in a swimming pool, it is an extremely serious situation and they could lose their life in just seconds. Always install safety covers on these elements of the pool and any other that pose a hazard.

Post Signage About Diving

Diving into shallow water is the fourth-leading cause of spinal cord injuries that result in paralysis. The general rule of thumb is that in order to dive safely, the water must be at least twice a person’s height. Above-ground pools are never deep enough to allow for diving. Always know the depth of your pool, post signage that indicates the depth, and “No Diving” signs when appropriate.

Our Personal Injury Lawyers in Philadelphia Can Help if You Have Been Hurt

When homeowners do not take the above steps to ensure all visitors are safe, our Philadelphia personal injury lawyers at van der Veen, Hartshorn, Levin & Lindheim will hold them liable for paying the damages you deserve. Call us today at (215) 486-0123 or contact us online to schedule a free consultation.


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