Posts in Firm News
- Mar 10Attorney David Devine Wins $175,000 Jury Verdict in Philadelphia Car Accident CaseAttorney After testimony from the plaintiff and her daughter, the jury found the defendant fully liable, determining that plaintiff suffere...VIEW ARTICLE
- Mar 7Michael T. van der Veen Wins $550,000 Settlement in Case Against Tavern for Injury to PlaintiffIn a The incident occurred in February 2020 while the plaintiff was attending a birthday celebration at the Tavern, wher...VIEW ARTICLE
- Mar 5Recent Victory for Victims: $8.5 Million Judgment in Schuylkill CountyThe law firm of On January 7th, before Judge Goodman, the firm represented the victims and their families in ...VIEW ARTICLE
- Jan 17Honoring Fanta Bility: Sharon Hill Playground Renamed as Part of $11 Million Settlement Driving Community ChangeThe $11 million settlement reached in federal lawsuits over the Michael T. van der Veen “It may be cold i...VIEW ARTICLE
- Jan 15Victory in School Expulsion Appeal: Justice Restored for Our ClientWe are thrilled to announce a major win b...VIEW ARTICLE
- Jan 13Attorney Bruce L. Castor Jr.'s Prosecution to Be Featured on Oxygen Network SeriesMurder Case Returns to National Spotlight van der Veen, Hartshorn, Levin and Lindheim attorney The television special examines the investigatio...VIEW ARTICLE
- Dec 19Attorneys van der Veen and Adubato Champion Justice in Negligence Lawsuit Against Correctional FacilityAttorneys The case centers around allegations of negligence by the facility, where Sklar was exposed to dangerous living conditions, includin...VIEW ARTICLE
- Nov 13van der Veen, Hartshorn, Levin, and Lindheim Honored for Achieving One of 2023’s Top Wrongful Death Settlements We are honored to announce that van der Veen, Hartshorn, Levin, and Lindheim has been recognized by Attorneys Thi...VIEW ARTICLE
- Nov 7Appellate Victory: Client Released After Year-Long Battle Over Defective Search WarrantFirm members Bruce Castor and Kaitlin McCaffrey Secure Precedent-Setting Win for Client’s Freedom The Appeals Court reversed a suppression rulin...VIEW ARTICLE
- Nov 4Firm News: van der Veen, Hartshorn, Levin & Lindheim Recognized by Best Lawyers as Among the Best Law Firms in 2025We are proud to announce that van der Veen, Hartshorn, Levin & Lindheim has been recognized b...VIEW ARTICLE
- Oct 31Criminal Record Avoided with Diversionary ProgramWhen people make mistakes and break the law, a criminal record is not always the best outcome for society. In man...VIEW ARTICLE
- Oct 28Empowering Our Community Through Pro Bono Legal ServicesAt van der Veen, Hartshorn & Levin, our dedication extends beyond advocacy to active service within the Philadelphia community. Through ou...VIEW ARTICLE
- Oct 24From Florida Roots to Philadelphia Justice: My Journey as a Criminal Defense Attorney{Excerpt from an interview with Growing up with two attorneys as parents and being told I was great at arguing...VIEW ARTICLE
- Oct 17Eight-Year Sentence Reduced to Non-Custodial Sentence, Allowing Former Law Enforcement Officer to Move on With His LifeWe are excited to report that a client of ours who is a former law enforcement officer had his proposed plea-dea...VIEW ARTICLE
- Oct 14From Entertainment to Advocacy: Steven Bryson’s Fight for Justice and Representation{Excerpt from interview with My path to law wasn’t traditional. Before pursuing a legal career, I spent seven years i...VIEW ARTICLE
- Oct 7From Intern to Advocate: My Journey from Temple University to the Courtroom{Excerpt from an interview with Adam Leasure, attorney with van der Veen, Hartshorn, Levin & Lindheim} In the summer of 2018...VIEW ARTICLE
- Sep 17Bruce Castor Honored on the Cover of The Executive Lens for "Most Trustworthy Legal Leaders of the Year 2024"van der Veen, Hartshorn, Levin and Lindheim'...VIEW ARTICLE
- Sep 2Labor Day and Safe Working EnvironmentsThis Labor Day, it is important to pause and recognize the importance of America’s long history of organizing and advocating fo...VIEW ARTICLE
- Aug 15Celebrating Excellence: Attorneys Michael T. van der Veen and Jerry Lindheim Honored in The Best Lawyers in America® ListWe are thrilled to announce that two of our attorneys, Michael T. van der Veen: Highlighted in Personal Injury Litigatio...VIEW ARTICLE
- Aug 12Steven Bryson Presenting at the International Association of Official Human Rights Agencies 75th Anniversary Conference. Our very own He will be speaking about the 2024 legal landscape of LGBTQIA rights with an intersectional approach. H...VIEW ARTICLE
- Jul 2Richard Coble Secures Reduced Sentence for Client Due to Mitigating FactorsAs reported in the At the re-sentencing hearing, Mr. Coble argued that there were mitigating circumstances requiring a reduction o...VIEW ARTICLE
- Jul 2The Honorable Bruce L. Castor Jr. Has Been Selected for Inclusion in Marquis Who’s WhoThe Honorabl...VIEW ARTICLE
- May 282024 Super Lawyers & Rising StarsCongratulations to the distinguished attorneys of van der Veen, Hartshorn, Levin & Lindheim on being selected for the 2024 Super Lawyer...VIEW ARTICLE
- Mar 20A Significant Legal Victory: The Case of Brandon “Bam” MargeraAt Background of the Case Margera, known for his exploits on MTV's "Jackass," faced allegations of public intoxication and disorderl...VIEW ARTICLE
- Feb 27Navigating the Crossroads of Social Media and Free Speech: Insights from Michael van der VeenIn an age where digital platforms have become central to our communication, the intersection of social media and free speech ha...VIEW ARTICLE
- Feb 12Lawsuit Filed Against the Port Authority of New Jersey, Maher Terminals LLC and Jersey TruckingThe team at van der Veen, Hartshorn, Levin & Lindheim is at the forefront of advocating for workplace safety, particularly i...VIEW ARTICLE
- Feb 12Celebrating a New Milestone: Jerry Lindheim Joins the Partnership at van der Veen, Hartshorn, Levin & LindheimWe are excited to announce a significant milestone in the journey of our firm, van der Veen, Hartshorn, Levin & Lindheim...VIEW ARTICLE
- Nov 21Historic Victory: van der Veen, Hartshorn, Levin & Lindheim Triumph in High-Profile Felony Assault CasePhiladelphia, November 2023 - In a landmark decision that underscores the importance of due process and the presumption of innocence, ou...VIEW ARTICLE
- Sep 29Securing Justice and Accountability: An $11 Million Settlement for Victims of a Tragic Police ShootingAt van der Veen, Hartshorn, Levin & Lindheim, we understand that the lasting impact of tragic events goes far beyond headline...VIEW ARTICLE
- Aug 18Michael van der Veen Comments on Solutions for the LSAT ProcessIt really wasn’t a great weekend for the Law School Admissions Test and the people behind it. Unlike in the olde...VIEW ARTICLE
- Jul 31Superior Court Reverses Conviction on Brady ViolationAfter losing a jury trial in York County, a client came looking for help at van der Veen, Hartshorn, Levin ...VIEW ARTICLE
- Jul 21van der Veen, Hartshorn, Levin & Lindheim: Recognized Among The Legal Intelligencer's 2023 Watch ListIt is with immense pride and honor that we announce van der Veen, Hartshorn, Levin & Lindheim has been named t...VIEW ARTICLE
- Jun 29Michael T. van der Veen Selected to the 2023 Nation’s Top One Percent list by the National Association of Distinguished CounselMichael T. van der Veen, of van der Veen, Hartshorn, Levin & Lindheim, has been selected to the 2023 list a...VIEW ARTICLE
- Jun 28van der Veen, Hartshorn, Levin & Lindheim Representing Former Wife Of Warren “Pete” Musser, Late Millionaire Investorvan der Veen, Hartshorn, Levin & Lindheim has filed suit on behalf of Hilary Musser, former wife of the late Warre...VIEW ARTICLE
- May 26Partner Michael van der Veen is Representing Joe Cole BarletaMichael van der Veen “I have been retained by Mr. Barleta to defend against this indictment,” says Mr. van der Veen...VIEW ARTICLE
- May 5Partner Michael van der Veen is Representing Family of Deceased Curtis SmithMichael van der Veen Any questions should be directed to Mr. van der Veen at his office phone at (215) 546-1000...VIEW ARTICLE
- Apr 27Michael van der Veen has been hired by Brandon “Bam” Margera to represent him in his criminal chargesMichael van der Veen “He surrendered himself to Pennsylvania State Troopers this morning,” said Mr. van der Veen. “He was arraigne...VIEW ARTICLE
- Sep 23Trump Impeachment Lawyer Michael T. van der Veen joins the Trump Organization’s trial team in Manhattan D.A. CasePhiladelphia (Sept. 23, 2022) – Trump Payroll Corp d/b/a The Trump Organization has filed a motion to allow the entry o...VIEW ARTICLE
- Jul 21The Dangers of Lying on Dating SitesIn this age of “swiping” left or right, technology has done much to simplify the “dating scene.” Websites designed to brin...VIEW ARTICLE
- May 5Michael T. van der Veen 2022 Finalist for Attorney of the YearThe Legal Intelligencer announced their Michael T. van der Veen, van der Veen, Hartshorn, Levin & Lindheim...VIEW ARTICLE
- Apr 7Law Day 2021Our attorneys, our paralegals, and our entire staff conducted a free legal clinic in the Olney section of North Philadelphia a...VIEW ARTICLE
- Apr 7Michael van der Veen provides legal commentary for KYW 1060 AM Philadelphia News RadioThe two women whose lawsuit has resulted in the resignation of Philadelphia’s police commissioner have reached an agreement on one aspec...VIEW ARTICLE
- Apr 7Melvin Prince Johnakin Suit Supports Candidate Rightsvan der Veen, Hartshorn, Levin & Lindheim has filed a suit against the state of Pennsylvania on behalf of Melvin Princ...VIEW ARTICLE
- Jan 25Case 2:21-cv-05172-HB AMERICAN FEDERATION OF GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES COUNCIL OF PRISON LOCALS 33 et al v. AHUJA et al Memorandum in Support of Motion for Preliminary InjunctionMEMORANDUM IN SUPPORT OF MOTION FOR PRELIMINARY INJUNCTION The Plaintiffs, by their counsel van der Veen, Hartshorn, Levin & Lindheim, throug...VIEW ARTICLE
- Jan 25Case 2:21-cv-05172-HB AMERICAN FEDERATION OF GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES COUNCIL OF PRISON LOCALS 33 et al v. AHUJA et al Motion for Preliminary InjunctionMOTION FOR PRELIMINARY INJUNCTION Plaintiffs respectfully move this Court for an order under Rule 65 of the Federal Rules of Civi...VIEW ARTICLE
- Jan 25Case 2:21-cv-05172-HB AMERICAN FEDERATION OF GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES COUNCIL OF PRISON LOCALS 33 et al v. AHUJA et al ComplaintCOMPLAINT The Plaintiffs, by their counsel van der Veen, Hartshorn, Levin & Lindheim, through Bruce L. Castor, Jr. are seeking damage...VIEW ARTICLE
- Apr 5COVID-19 MessageCORONAVIRUS A Message to Our Clients and Friends The partners at van der Veen, Hartshorn, Levin & Lindheim place the health...VIEW ARTICLE
- Mar 21In My Own Defense: Michael van der Veen Responds to Ted Schwartz Article“I do solemnly swear (or arm) that I will support, obey and defend the Constitution of the United States and the Constitutio...VIEW ARTICLE
Attorney David Devine Wins $175,000 Jury Verdict in Philadelphia Car Accident Case
Michael T. van der Veen Wins $550,000 Settlement in Case Against Tavern for Injury to Plaintiff
Recent Victory for Victims: $8.5 Million Judgment in Schuylkill County
Honoring Fanta Bility: Sharon Hill Playground Renamed as Part of $11 Million Settlement Driving Community Change
Victory in School Expulsion Appeal: Justice Restored for Our Client
Attorney Bruce L. Castor Jr.'s Prosecution to Be Featured on Oxygen Network Series
Attorneys van der Veen and Adubato Champion Justice in Negligence Lawsuit Against Correctional Facility
van der Veen, Hartshorn, Levin, and Lindheim Honored for Achieving One of 2023’s Top Wrongful Death Settlements
Appellate Victory: Client Released After Year-Long Battle Over Defective Search Warrant
Firm News: van der Veen, Hartshorn, Levin & Lindheim Recognized by Best Lawyers as Among the Best Law Firms in 2025
Criminal Record Avoided with Diversionary Program
Empowering Our Community Through Pro Bono Legal Services
From Florida Roots to Philadelphia Justice: My Journey as a Criminal Defense Attorney
Eight-Year Sentence Reduced to Non-Custodial Sentence, Allowing Former Law Enforcement Officer to Move on With His Life
From Entertainment to Advocacy: Steven Bryson’s Fight for Justice and Representation
From Intern to Advocate: My Journey from Temple University to the Courtroom
Bruce Castor Honored on the Cover of The Executive Lens for "Most Trustworthy Legal Leaders of the Year 2024"
Labor Day and Safe Working Environments
Celebrating Excellence: Attorneys Michael T. van der Veen and Jerry Lindheim Honored in The Best Lawyers in America® List
Steven Bryson Presenting at the International Association of Official Human Rights Agencies 75th Anniversary Conference.
Richard Coble Secures Reduced Sentence for Client Due to Mitigating Factors
The Honorable Bruce L. Castor Jr. Has Been Selected for Inclusion in Marquis Who’s Who
2024 Super Lawyers & Rising Stars
A Significant Legal Victory: The Case of Brandon “Bam” Margera
Navigating the Crossroads of Social Media and Free Speech: Insights from Michael van der Veen
Lawsuit Filed Against the Port Authority of New Jersey, Maher Terminals LLC and Jersey Trucking
Celebrating a New Milestone: Jerry Lindheim Joins the Partnership at van der Veen, Hartshorn, Levin & Lindheim
Historic Victory: van der Veen, Hartshorn, Levin & Lindheim Triumph in High-Profile Felony Assault Case
Securing Justice and Accountability: An $11 Million Settlement for Victims of a Tragic Police Shooting
Michael van der Veen Comments on Solutions for the LSAT Process
Superior Court Reverses Conviction on Brady Violation
van der Veen, Hartshorn, Levin & Lindheim: Recognized Among The Legal Intelligencer's 2023 Watch List
Michael T. van der Veen Selected to the 2023 Nation’s Top One Percent list by the National Association of Distinguished Counsel
van der Veen, Hartshorn, Levin & Lindheim Representing Former Wife Of Warren “Pete” Musser, Late Millionaire Investor
Partner Michael van der Veen is Representing Joe Cole Barleta
Partner Michael van der Veen is Representing Family of Deceased Curtis Smith
Michael van der Veen has been hired by Brandon “Bam” Margera to represent him in his criminal charges
Trump Impeachment Lawyer Michael T. van der Veen joins the Trump Organization’s trial team in Manhattan D.A. Case
The Dangers of Lying on Dating Sites
Michael T. van der Veen 2022 Finalist for Attorney of the Year
Law Day 2021
Michael van der Veen provides legal commentary for KYW 1060 AM Philadelphia News Radio
Melvin Prince Johnakin Suit Supports Candidate Rights
Case 2:21-cv-05172-HB AMERICAN FEDERATION OF GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES COUNCIL OF PRISON LOCALS 33 et al v. AHUJA et al Memorandum in Support of Motion for Preliminary Injunction
Case 2:21-cv-05172-HB AMERICAN FEDERATION OF GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES COUNCIL OF PRISON LOCALS 33 et al v. AHUJA et al Motion for Preliminary Injunction
COVID-19 Message
In My Own Defense: Michael van der Veen Responds to Ted Schwartz Article