Posts in DUI
- Dec 93 Things You Should Never Do When Pulled Over for a DUIFacing a 1. Don’t Volunteer Information When an officer pulls you over, you might feel compelled to explain yourself o...VIEW ARTICLE
- May 284 Things to Do Immediately If You Are Charged With a DUIBeing charged with a 1. Remain Calm and Cooperative Stay Composed The most crucial step you can take after bein...VIEW ARTICLE
- Jan 19Navigating DUI Charges in Philadelphia: A Guide for Drunk Driving AccidentsIn Philadelphia, driving under the influence (DUI) remains a severe and preventable issue, causing tragic accidents and far-reaching consequences for individual...VIEW ARTICLE
- Jul 12FAQs After A Pennsylvania Drunk Driving AccidentBeing involved in a 1. What should I do immediately after a drunk driving accident in Pennsylvania? After a drun...VIEW ARTICLE
- Jun 27What Are The Penalties For Refusing a DUI Test in Pennsylvania?Driving under the influence (DUI) is a serious crime that endangers public safety. To deter I. The Implied Consent Law...VIEW ARTICLE
- May 14The Role of Dram Shop Laws in Pennsylvania's Fight Against Drunk DrivingDrunk driving Pennsylvania’s Dram Shop Law Explained: Pennsylvania's dram shop law holds establishments and private individuals liable for serving alcohol t...VIEW ARTICLE
- Jul 25DUIs During SummerHow to Celebrate Safely & Avoid DUIsDrunk drivers are more likely to be on the roads with increased backyard barbecues, cookouts, fireworks, and holiday celebrations. According t...VIEW ARTICLE
- Dec 28Things You Need To Know If Charged With A Drug DUIA Pennsylvania driver is currently facing charges for a drug DUI. His neighbor had pulled him out of a burning ca...VIEW ARTICLE
- Aug 17Are There Defenses To DUIs In Pennsylvania?No one ever wants to hear a police siren and see the flashing lights in their rearview mirror while they ar...VIEW ARTICLE
- Jun 22As DUIs Decrease, Here Are Three Things You Need To Know About The LawWhen the pandemic first began in early 2020, it was thought there may be fewer car accidents in total, and eve...VIEW ARTICLE
- Jul 20As DUI Arrests Increase, We Debunk Common Myths Surrounding these ChargesAccording to state police, DUI arrests increased in Pennsylvania by ten percent in 2019. In that year, police made 22,139 DU...VIEW ARTICLE
- Jan 28Number of DUIs Down this New Year’s, but Some Drivers Still Need a DefenseIt was not long in the days following New Year’s Eve that Pennsylvania State Police released data regarding the amount o...VIEW ARTICLE
- Nov 13How to Challenge a Breath Test ResultYou’ve been pulled over for a DUI and have just taken the breath test. The officer informs you that you hav...VIEW ARTICLE
- Aug 22What are Pennsylvania’s Implied Consent Laws?There are many myths surrounding the DUI laws in Pennsylvania. One of the biggest is that you can refuse to tak...VIEW ARTICLE
- Jun 24Can You be Charged with a DUI if You Weren’t Driving?It happens sometimes. You’ve had too much to drink without realizing it, until you get behind the wheel of your car...VIEW ARTICLE
- Mar 7What You Need to Know About Field Sobriety Tests in PennsylvaniaWhen police officers suspect someone of a Three Main Field Sobriety Tests A The walk-and-turn test is exactly what it sound...VIEW ARTICLE
- Feb 22Multiple DUI Convictions Can Have Devastating EffectsThe more DUIs a person accumulates, the harsher the punishments and fines. Drunk driving does not only cause dangerous collisions, leavin...VIEW ARTICLE
- Jan 9Second DUI Convictions Come with Harsher SentencesIf you already have a driving under the influence (DUI) conviction, further convictions for DUI means stricter consequences. Choosing the righ...VIEW ARTICLE
- Jan 3What to Do If You Are Pulled Over for Driving Under the InfluenceBeing pulled over by an officer for possible drunk driving is a tense situation. It is easier for a person’s nerve...VIEW ARTICLE
- Sep 29What You Need to Know if Your Child is Charged with Underage DUINo parent wants to receive a phone call that their child is in jail and has been charged with a seriou...VIEW ARTICLE
- Sep 22DUI Testing ChangesThe United States Supreme Court case concerned with the constitutionality of DUI testing will lead to changes in how The Suprem...VIEW ARTICLE
- Jun 15Upcoming Changes to Pennsylvania’s DUI LawLast year, Governor Wolf signed a bill into law that requires those who are convicted of driving with a BAC o...VIEW ARTICLE
- Dec 27Am I Eligible for Pennsylvania’s Accelerated Rehabilitative Disposition Program?Driving under the influence is one of the most commonly charged offenses in Pennsylvania and is punishable by jail time, fines...VIEW ARTICLE
- Nov 29Newly Released Supreme Court Decision May Significantly Impact Pennsylvania DUI LawIn a recently published opinion, the U.S. Supreme Court readdressed the legality of administering a blood test during an arrest fo...VIEW ARTICLE
3 Things You Should Never Do When Pulled Over for a DUI
4 Things to Do Immediately If You Are Charged With a DUI
Navigating DUI Charges in Philadelphia: A Guide for Drunk Driving Accidents
FAQs After A Pennsylvania Drunk Driving Accident
What Are The Penalties For Refusing a DUI Test in Pennsylvania?
The Role of Dram Shop Laws in Pennsylvania's Fight Against Drunk Driving
DUIs During SummerHow to Celebrate Safely & Avoid DUIs
Things You Need To Know If Charged With A Drug DUI
Are There Defenses To DUIs In Pennsylvania?
As DUIs Decrease, Here Are Three Things You Need To Know About The Law
As DUI Arrests Increase, We Debunk Common Myths Surrounding these Charges
Number of DUIs Down this New Year’s, but Some Drivers Still Need a Defense
How to Challenge a Breath Test Result
What are Pennsylvania’s Implied Consent Laws?
Can You be Charged with a DUI if You Weren’t Driving?
What You Need to Know About Field Sobriety Tests in Pennsylvania
Multiple DUI Convictions Can Have Devastating Effects
Second DUI Convictions Come with Harsher Sentences
What to Do If You Are Pulled Over for Driving Under the Influence
What You Need to Know if Your Child is Charged with Underage DUI
DUI Testing Changes
Upcoming Changes to Pennsylvania’s DUI Law
Am I Eligible for Pennsylvania’s Accelerated Rehabilitative Disposition Program?
Newly Released Supreme Court Decision May Significantly Impact Pennsylvania DUI Law