Posts in Criminal Defense
- Feb 24White-Collar Crimes in Philadelphia: How to Build a Strong Defense Against Fraud ChargesWhite-collar crimes What Are White-Collar Crimes? White-collar crimes are financially motivated, non-violent offenses often committed by individuals in professional or busines...VIEW ARTICLE
- Jan 8From Misdemeanors to Felonies: How Criminal Charges Affect Employment ProspectsFacing criminal charges is daunting enough, but the long-term impact on your employment prospects can feel overwhelming. Whether it’s a misdemeano...VIEW ARTICLE
- Jan 1The Sixth Amendment and the Right to an Attorney: A Cornerstone of JusticeThe Sixth Amendment to the United States Constitution enshrines one of the most fundamental rights in our legal system: the righ...VIEW ARTICLE
- Dec 30The Process and Importance of Bail Hearings in Pennsylvania Bail hearings are a pivotal step in the criminal justice process, often determining whether a person charged with a crime remain...VIEW ARTICLE
- Dec 124 Things You Need to Know About Illegal Gambling ChargesBy Illegal gambling In Pennsylvania, all forms of gambling are illegal unless specifically authorized by law. The state permit...VIEW ARTICLE
- Nov 28How to Build a Strong Defense After Drug ChargesFacing If you've been charged with a drug crime, it's crucial to understand the legal process and work on buildin...VIEW ARTICLE
- Oct 21What Happens After You’ve Been Charged with Assault in Philadelphia?Facing an 1. Immediate Arrest and Booking If the police believe you have committed assault, you will likely be arreste...VIEW ARTICLE
- Jul 26What You Need to Do if You're Under Investigation for a Crime in PhiladelphiaBeing under investigation for a crime can be an overwhelming and frightening experience. Taking the right steps during this critical tim...VIEW ARTICLE
- Jun 25Entrapment as a DefenseIn an attempt to stop crimes before they happen, law enforcement may employ tactics that border on illegal, such as helpin...VIEW ARTICLE
- Mar 15Can You Go To Jail For Copyright Infringement Accusations?In an era where digital content can be accessed with a simple click, the line between sharing and stealing can sometime...VIEW ARTICLE
- Sep 27The Legal Implications of Public Intoxication in Philadelphia: A Comprehensive GuidePublic intoxication may seem like a minor transgression, especially if you've responsibly decided not to drink and drive. However, if yo...VIEW ARTICLE
- Sep 20Understanding Felony Murder Charges in Pennsylvania: Why You Need Experienced Legal DefenseThe concept of murder is universally unsettling, but the legal system further complicates it by subdividing it into various categories. Eac...VIEW ARTICLE
- Jun 1van der Veen, Hartshorn, Levin & Lindheim Attorney Richard Coble Wins Not Guilty Verdicts in Double Homicidevan der Veen, Hartshorn, Levin & Lindheim is proud to announce that our criminal defense attorney Richard Coble won Not Guilt...VIEW ARTICLE
- May 31Understanding Simple Assault in PennsylvaniaEarlier this month, a Hanover, PA man was charged with assault after punching a woman in the stomach. She had recentl...VIEW ARTICLE
- May 17What is Defiant Trespassing in Pennsylvania?Most people in Pennsylvania are familiar with the term trespassing. The offense occurs when a person enters a property without permission...VIEW ARTICLE
- May 10What is Strong-Arm Robbery?Recently, a man was about to walk into his home late at night when he was attacked by two men. The...VIEW ARTICLE
- Apr 30Understanding Theft by Deception in PennsylvaniaA little-known type of theft was recently reported. That is theft by deception and a Pennsylvania couple is now facing charge...VIEW ARTICLE
- Apr 23Does Pennsylvania Still Have the Death Penalty?It was in the middle of November when the Pennsylvania Supreme Court upheld the death sentence against one of the me...VIEW ARTICLE
- Apr 9What is the Difference Between Attempted Murder and Aggravated Assault?In late December of 2020, a gentleman was charged with attempted murder, aggravated assault, and a number of other charges. ...VIEW ARTICLE
- Apr 2What Is The Statute Of Limitations For Murder?A story recently emerged from Carbon County that has many people relieved, and has others asking questions. In early April, stat...VIEW ARTICLE
- May 19Differentiating Between Residential And Commercial BurglaryThere has recently been a string of burglaries in Montgomery County. The suspects have not been found by police and i...VIEW ARTICLE
- May 10Making Bomb Threats Is Not A Prank, It Is A Serious CrimeThe police in West Lampeter Township are looking for a man who robbed a local bank in mid-March. The man visite...VIEW ARTICLE
- Apr 28Carjacking Can Result In Decades In PrisonA Philadelphia man was recently convicted to 11 years in prison for carjacking and armed robbery in the city. The sentenc...VIEW ARTICLE
- Apr 14Stealing A Pet: Kidnapping Or Theft?A couple was recently the victim of two separate thefts that occurred on consecutive days. The first theft occurred on Januar...VIEW ARTICLE
- Apr 7Destructive DevicesDestructive devices that appeared to be pipe bombs were recently sent to CNN headquarters, as well as the homes of Bil...VIEW ARTICLE
- Apr 7Organized Retail Theft is Increasing Around the CountryWhen people think of retail theft, they typically think of teenagers that steal from stores. However, as law enforcement agencies aroun...VIEW ARTICLE
- Apr 5The Penalties For Theft Of A Motor Vehicle Are Harsh In PennsylvaniaAt the end of January, a local Police Department released a statement saying they are searching for a trailer that wa...VIEW ARTICLE
- Apr 5Cyberbullying on the RiseCriminal Prosecutions Targeting a Rise in Cyberbullying Make Representation by Premier Philadelphia Criminal Defense Lawyers Essential The world has certainly change...VIEW ARTICLE
- Mar 28What Does It Mean To Have A Conviction Set Aside In Pennsylvania?Recently, a man had his conviction set aside for a murder he was accused of committing in 1990. He was charge...VIEW ARTICLE
- Mar 17Understanding Robbery In Pennsylvania: There Is More Than One TypeRecently, a couple was returning to their vehicle after leaving a bar in Philadelphia, when they were robbed at gun poin...VIEW ARTICLE
- Mar 8Understanding The Defense Of Insanity In PennsylvaniaRecently, a woman was sentenced to life in prison without the chance of parole for killing her two children. The wome...VIEW ARTICLE
- Mar 3Hate Crimes and COVID-19COVID-19 has forced everyone to shelter in place, stay at home, and avoid interaction with others. While this has helped t...VIEW ARTICLE
- Feb 15What Is Armed Robbery?In mid December, three men walked into a Philadelphia gas station and held up the employee working there with a gun...VIEW ARTICLE
- Jan 25What To Do At A Traffic StopEarly in November, a Pennsylvania man was pulled over in Delaware for a routine traffic stop for having illegal tinted windows...VIEW ARTICLE
- Jan 13What Happens If You Receive Stolen Property In Pennsylvania?Two men were recently arrested after being approached by police in a convenience store parking lot in Northeast Philadelphia. Police approache...VIEW ARTICLE
- Dec 23A Landmark Case Provides Greater Protection From Vehicle SearchesIt was once generally known that a police officer could search a vehicle on the roadside if they had probable caus...VIEW ARTICLE
- Dec 7Why Were There More Murders In Pennsylvania In 2020?Pennsylvania usually has a slightly higher murder rate than anywhere else in the country. It comes as no surprise then tha...VIEW ARTICLE
- Dec 1Is Self-Defense A Defense To Murder?A man was recently charged with murder after an altercation outside of sports bar in which he shot a man. Th...VIEW ARTICLE
- Nov 16State Senator Is Trying To Expand The Castle Doctrine In PennsylvaniaRecently, State Senator Pat Stefano introduced legislation to expand the Castle Doctrine law in Pennsylvania. The Castle Doctrine, also known a...VIEW ARTICLE
- Oct 28Accused Of Retail Theft? Here Is What To Do NowRecently, a woman was charged with retail theft after being accused of stealing over $400 from a Target department store. Sh...VIEW ARTICLE
- Oct 14What Are The Penalties For Identity Theft In Pennsylvania?The number of cases involving identity theft have increased over the past weeks and months in Pennsylvania. From August 26 t...VIEW ARTICLE
- Oct 7What Are The Penalties For Armed Robbery In Pennsylvania?On September 6, a man entered a home in Chester County, grabbed the woman inside by the throat and threatened he...VIEW ARTICLE
- Sep 9What Are The Arson Laws In Pennsylvania?Recently, a Bethlehem man was sentenced to life in prison with no chance of parole for killing a woman and he...VIEW ARTICLE
- Sep 2What To Know If You Have Been Charged With A Summary OffenseRecently, a man was arrested on charges of domestic violence at a self-storage facility in Evans City. Inside a storage uni...VIEW ARTICLE
- Aug 26Understanding The Crime Of Perjury In PennsylvaniaRecently, a grand jury decided that three former homicide detectives from Philadelphia should face criminal charges of perjury for their testimon...VIEW ARTICLE
- Jul 26Is Abandonment A Defense To Burglary?Recently, a man pleaded guilty to third-degree burglary after it was found that he broke into an empty home. After th...VIEW ARTICLE
- Jul 13There Are Defenses To Fleeing A Police OfficerRecently, Pennsylvania State Police announced they have found the vehicle an 18-year-old allegedly used to hit a trooper in Lancaster Count...VIEW ARTICLE
- Jul 8The Different Degrees Of Kidnapping In PennsylvaniaThe Pennsylvania police have been searching for a man accused of kidnapping and rape since the beginning of May. It wa...VIEW ARTICLE
White-Collar Crimes in Philadelphia: How to Build a Strong Defense Against Fraud Charges
From Misdemeanors to Felonies: How Criminal Charges Affect Employment Prospects
The Sixth Amendment and the Right to an Attorney: A Cornerstone of Justice
The Process and Importance of Bail Hearings in Pennsylvania
4 Things You Need to Know About Illegal Gambling Charges
How to Build a Strong Defense After Drug Charges
What Happens After You’ve Been Charged with Assault in Philadelphia?
What You Need to Do if You're Under Investigation for a Crime in Philadelphia
Entrapment as a Defense
Can You Go To Jail For Copyright Infringement Accusations?
The Legal Implications of Public Intoxication in Philadelphia: A Comprehensive Guide
Understanding Felony Murder Charges in Pennsylvania: Why You Need Experienced Legal Defense
van der Veen, Hartshorn, Levin & Lindheim Attorney Richard Coble Wins Not Guilty Verdicts in Double Homicide
Understanding Simple Assault in Pennsylvania
What is Defiant Trespassing in Pennsylvania?
What is Strong-Arm Robbery?
Understanding Theft by Deception in Pennsylvania
Does Pennsylvania Still Have the Death Penalty?
What is the Difference Between Attempted Murder and Aggravated Assault?
What Is The Statute Of Limitations For Murder?
Differentiating Between Residential And Commercial Burglary
Making Bomb Threats Is Not A Prank, It Is A Serious Crime
Carjacking Can Result In Decades In Prison
Stealing A Pet: Kidnapping Or Theft?
Destructive Devices
Organized Retail Theft is Increasing Around the Country
The Penalties For Theft Of A Motor Vehicle Are Harsh In Pennsylvania
Cyberbullying on the Rise
What Does It Mean To Have A Conviction Set Aside In Pennsylvania?
Understanding Robbery In Pennsylvania: There Is More Than One Type
Understanding The Defense Of Insanity In Pennsylvania
Hate Crimes and COVID-19
What Is Armed Robbery?
What To Do At A Traffic Stop
What Happens If You Receive Stolen Property In Pennsylvania?
A Landmark Case Provides Greater Protection From Vehicle Searches
Why Were There More Murders In Pennsylvania In 2020?
Is Self-Defense A Defense To Murder?
State Senator Is Trying To Expand The Castle Doctrine In Pennsylvania
Accused Of Retail Theft? Here Is What To Do Now
What Are The Penalties For Identity Theft In Pennsylvania?
What Are The Penalties For Armed Robbery In Pennsylvania?
What Are The Arson Laws In Pennsylvania?
What To Know If You Have Been Charged With A Summary Offense
Understanding The Crime Of Perjury In Pennsylvania
Is Abandonment A Defense To Burglary?
There Are Defenses To Fleeing A Police Officer
The Different Degrees Of Kidnapping In Pennsylvania