Posts in Car Accidents
- Dec 21Five Questions to Ask Your Doctor After a Car CrashOne of the most important things to do after a car accident is to see a doctor that can provide treatmen...VIEW ARTICLE
- Dec 15Statistics on Accidents Caused by Weather and Road Conditions in PennsylvaniaPennsylvania sees harsh winter days every year. Snow, sleet, ice, and other weather conditions greatly affect the road and, as th...VIEW ARTICLE
- Nov 24When Should You Hire a Car Accident Lawyer?Some people call a car accident lawyer after any crash, even when the collision was very minor and they did no...VIEW ARTICLE
- Nov 19Delayed Injuries After a Car AccidentAfter a car accident, you may suffer several serious injuries that are immediately apparent. Broken bones, deep cuts and bruises, an...VIEW ARTICLE
- Oct 15Seven Factors that Will Affect Your Car Accident SettlementOne of the most common questions people ask after being involved in a car crash is how much their settlement wil...VIEW ARTICLE
- Aug 18Understanding Damages for Pain and Suffering in Car Accident ClaimsAccording to the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation, there were nearly 80,000 people that were injured in car crashes in 2018. Althoug...VIEW ARTICLE
- Jul 9Do You Have to Report All Car Crashes to the Police?It is obvious after certain crashes that you should call the police. These situations include when anyone was injured or kille...VIEW ARTICLE
- May 26Do You Have Rights if You Are a Passenger in a Car Crash?At the end of February, a man was criminally charged with a DUI-by-marijuana after he lost control of his vehicle an...VIEW ARTICLE
- May 18How Daylight Savings Contributes to More Car AccidentsIt has not been that long since daylight savings time started once again and everyone in Pennsylvania set their clocks on...VIEW ARTICLE
- Mar 31What is the Law on Clearing Snow from Your Car in Pennsylvania?Pennsylvania is known for getting hit with some pretty hard snowstorms in the winter. As temperatures drop, snow and ice star...VIEW ARTICLE
- Mar 23Important Safety Tips for Winter DrivingAlthough it happened approximately one month ago, few people in Pennsylvania have forgotten about the 30-vehicle pileup on Interstate 80 i...VIEW ARTICLE
- Mar 12Your Options After a Hit-and-Run Car AccidentIn Pennsylvania, leaving the scene of a car accident is a very serious offense, and may come with criminal sentences fo...VIEW ARTICLE
- Dec 30Tips for Dealing with the Insurance Company After a CrashAfter a car accident, you will likely have to deal with an insurance company. It’s important to remember that the negligen...VIEW ARTICLE
- Dec 3Who Pays for a Rental Car After an Accident?Car accidents are not only frightening and confusing, they’re also inconvenient. Even if you do not sustain serious injuries as ...VIEW ARTICLE
- Nov 14How and When to Use Police Reports in Your Car Accident CaseAfter you’ve been in a car accident and are trying to secure compensation from your own insurance company or another driver’s...VIEW ARTICLE
- Sep 3Do You Need Uninsured Motorist Coverage in Pennsylvania?According to the Insurance Information Institute, approximately 13 percent of drivers in the United States do not have proper insurance o...VIEW ARTICLE
- Aug 30What is the Limited Threshold in Pennsylvania?The laws on car accidents and auto insurance in Pennsylvania are extremely complex. When purchasing insurance, a person may choose t...VIEW ARTICLE
- Jul 31Do You Have to Report Minor Car Accidents in Pennsylvania?It’s common knowledge that after a major car accident that involved serious injury or death, you must phone the police an...VIEW ARTICLE
- Apr 22Reminder to “Slow Down to Get Around”In December of 2018, a new law was passed in Pennsylvania but many residents are still unaware of it, or they’r...VIEW ARTICLE
- Mar 26Who’s Liable in a Car Accident when Icy Roads are a Factor?Ice and snow were cited as the reason for three In order to answer this question, three different legal concepts mus...VIEW ARTICLE
- Feb 14The Risk of Letting Unauthorized Individuals Drive a VehicleIn recent news, a Philadelphia woman has had charges of homicide by vehicle and involuntary manslaughter dropped. The case though, i...VIEW ARTICLE
- Feb 6Is Pennsylvania a No-Fault Auto Insurance State?Car insurance is going to be an issue anytime there is a Most states have a tort, or fault, system o...VIEW ARTICLE
- Jan 2Filing a Lawsuit Against a Municipality For a Traffic CollisionIn almost all Poor Road Conditions Do Cause Crashes Over 50,000 potholes were filled in Philadelphia this past year, according t...VIEW ARTICLE
- Oct 18The Dangers of Autonomous Cars and Current Autonomous FeaturesThe United States is one of the most dangerous developed nations, if not the most dangerous developed nation, in which t...VIEW ARTICLE
- Jul 9Holding Drivers ResponsibleUnfortunately, drivers who strike and kill pedestrians and cyclists rarely face any criminal charges, according to newspaper investigative reports around th...VIEW ARTICLE
- May 15How Long Does a Traffic Accident Lawsuit Take?If you are injured in a traffic collision, your injuries need to be treated immediately. You obviously cannot postpone necessary medica...VIEW ARTICLE
- May 2Three Types of Expert Witnesses Used in Traffic Accident ClaimsIn a personal injury case, an expert witness is a person called upon by either the defendant or plaintiff to she...VIEW ARTICLE
- Apr 27What Are My Chances of Being Involved in an Auto Collision?Motor vehicle collisions are an unfortunate reality of living in the U.S. Whether you drive, walk, or ride your bike, yo...VIEW ARTICLE
- Apr 10The Cost of a Traffic CollisionOver the past five years of the most current available data, from 2012 through 2016, the total number of reported Pennsylvani...VIEW ARTICLE
- Mar 12You’ve Just Had a Car Accident | Now What?Many of us have been driving for a long, long time. But, it never hurts to review this checklist. Times hav...VIEW ARTICLE
- Dec 14Think Before You Drive While DrowsySleep deprivation has become a widespread problem in our society. Lack of sleep has profound effects on our mind and body...VIEW ARTICLE
- Dec 7Eight People Injured in South Philadelphia Car AccidentAn SUV reportedly hopped a sidewalk and barreled towards a block party that was taking place South Ringgold Street. Eight peopl...VIEW ARTICLE
- Sep 25Tips for Filing Motor Vehicle Accident LawsuitsReckless drivers in Pennsylvania cause thousands of major auto accidents each year, even while fatal accidents are on the decline. Man...VIEW ARTICLE
- Jul 26Collecting Compensation for Injuries Sustained in a Head-on CollisionAll car accidents are frightening and potentially dangerous. There are, however, certain types of car crashes that are notorious for causin...VIEW ARTICLE
- Jun 20The Dangers of Cargo SpillsAlthough most people associate auto accidents with driver error, such as failing to yield, reckless driving, or violating a traffic law...VIEW ARTICLE
- Jun 6Four New Traffic Laws Introduced in PennsylvaniaIn an effort to cut down on the number of car accidents occurring across the state, the Pennsylvania Legislature passed ...VIEW ARTICLE
- Apr 20The Importance of Proper Tire MaintenanceIn many cases, there is nothing a driver can do to avoid a car crash. Poor weather, auto defects, and th...VIEW ARTICLE
- Jan 10The Dangers of Multi-Vehicle CollisionsThe severity of a car crash victim’s injuries depends on a number of factors, including how fast the cars were travelin...VIEW ARTICLE
- Dec 29The Consequences of Drowsy DrivingDriver fatigue causes thousands of car accidents every year. While all car crashes can be frightening or painful, accidents involving drows...VIEW ARTICLE
Five Questions to Ask Your Doctor After a Car Crash
Statistics on Accidents Caused by Weather and Road Conditions in Pennsylvania
When Should You Hire a Car Accident Lawyer?
Delayed Injuries After a Car Accident
Seven Factors that Will Affect Your Car Accident Settlement
Understanding Damages for Pain and Suffering in Car Accident Claims
Do You Have to Report All Car Crashes to the Police?
Do You Have Rights if You Are a Passenger in a Car Crash?
How Daylight Savings Contributes to More Car Accidents
What is the Law on Clearing Snow from Your Car in Pennsylvania?
Important Safety Tips for Winter Driving
Your Options After a Hit-and-Run Car Accident
Tips for Dealing with the Insurance Company After a Crash
Who Pays for a Rental Car After an Accident?
How and When to Use Police Reports in Your Car Accident Case
Do You Need Uninsured Motorist Coverage in Pennsylvania?
What is the Limited Threshold in Pennsylvania?
Do You Have to Report Minor Car Accidents in Pennsylvania?
Reminder to “Slow Down to Get Around”
Who’s Liable in a Car Accident when Icy Roads are a Factor?
The Risk of Letting Unauthorized Individuals Drive a Vehicle
Is Pennsylvania a No-Fault Auto Insurance State?
Filing a Lawsuit Against a Municipality For a Traffic Collision
The Dangers of Autonomous Cars and Current Autonomous Features
Holding Drivers Responsible
How Long Does a Traffic Accident Lawsuit Take?
Three Types of Expert Witnesses Used in Traffic Accident Claims
What Are My Chances of Being Involved in an Auto Collision?
The Cost of a Traffic Collision
You’ve Just Had a Car Accident | Now What?
Think Before You Drive While Drowsy
Eight People Injured in South Philadelphia Car Accident
Tips for Filing Motor Vehicle Accident Lawsuits
Collecting Compensation for Injuries Sustained in a Head-on Collision
The Dangers of Cargo Spills
Four New Traffic Laws Introduced in Pennsylvania
The Importance of Proper Tire Maintenance
The Dangers of Multi-Vehicle Collisions
The Consequences of Drowsy Driving