Posts in March, 2021
- Mar 30Defenses to Armed Robbery in PennsylvaniaTheft crimes are very common during the holidays and this year was no different. On Christmas Eve, two men allegedly robbe...VIEW ARTICLE
- Mar 23Defenses to Car Theft in PennsylvaniaIn early February, two people broke into a home, stole car keys, and then used the vehicle in the driveway t...VIEW ARTICLE
- Mar 21In My Own Defense: Michael van der Veen Responds to Ted Schwartz Article“I do solemnly swear (or arm) that I will support, obey and defend the Constitution of the United States and the Constitutio...VIEW ARTICLE
- Mar 18Lessons learned in Washington, D.C.While serving as impeachment counsel to former President Donald J. Trump, I gave a number of interviews to media outlets acros...VIEW ARTICLE
- Mar 18When are Children Tried as Adults in Pennsylvania?The story of a man that had been in prison for nearly 70 years after he was convicted as a 15-year-ol...VIEW ARTICLE
- Mar 12Can You File a Lawsuit Over Negligent Security?An 84-year-old woman is filing a lawsuit against a casino after a 39-year-old man attacked her in the casino’s parking lot...VIEW ARTICLE
- Mar 9Is Breaking Into a Barn Considered Burglary in Pennsylvania?Recently, a person broke into a home and a barn in Jefferson County, even though it did not appear that the...VIEW ARTICLE
Defenses to Armed Robbery in Pennsylvania
Defenses to Car Theft in Pennsylvania
In My Own Defense: Michael van der Veen Responds to Ted Schwartz Article
Lessons learned in Washington, D.C.
When are Children Tried as Adults in Pennsylvania?
Can You File a Lawsuit Over Negligent Security?
Is Breaking Into a Barn Considered Burglary in Pennsylvania?