Posts in 2020
- Jun 16Can You Sue if You Contract COVID-19 at Work?In early May, the family of a worker at a meat processing plant filed a lawsuit against the company in Philadelphia...VIEW ARTICLE
- Jun 11Lawsuits Involving Nursing Homes Spike During COVID-19The current COVID-19 pandemic has brought public health issues, economic issues, and even legal trouble for many. Lawsuits involving PPP loan...VIEW ARTICLE
- Jun 9What is the Penalty for Not Wearing a Face Mask in Pennsylvania?It was at the end of April that Governor Tom Wolf enacted a mandatory face mask law that required anyone enterin...VIEW ARTICLE
- Jun 2What is the Definition of Robbery in Pennsylvania?In late May, Pennsylvania State Police were called to a general store in Porter Township. After hearing the security alarm, ...VIEW ARTICLE
- May 27Is Carjacking Different than Auto Theft?In early March, the Bethlehem police were asking for the public’s help in finding a suspect that had carjacked an SUV...VIEW ARTICLE
- May 26Do You Have Rights if You Are a Passenger in a Car Crash?At the end of February, a man was criminally charged with a DUI-by-marijuana after he lost control of his vehicle an...VIEW ARTICLE
- May 21A Recent Murder Case in PA Focuses on Little Known Legal DoctrineMany people are aware that the police are not allowed to search most areas, with the exception of vehicles, without ...VIEW ARTICLE
- May 18How Daylight Savings Contributes to More Car AccidentsIt has not been that long since daylight savings time started once again and everyone in Pennsylvania set their clocks on...VIEW ARTICLE
- May 12What to Do After a Slip and Fall AccidentWhen you fall in a store, hospital, restaurant, or anywhere else, there is a good chance that you will feel embarrasse...VIEW ARTICLE
- May 8Divorce in the Era of Covid-19If you are going through a In many counties with electronic filing, it is still possible to start a divorce cas...VIEW ARTICLE
- May 7Pranksters May Face Criminal Charges for Threatening to Spread CoronavirusOver the past few weeks, the warnings of coronavirus have been near constant, and the media has been flooded with way...VIEW ARTICLE
- May 5People Hurt by an Intoxicated Person May be Able to Sue Under the State’s Dram Shop LawsThere are a number of consequences that can come from having too much to drink at a bar or other establishment...VIEW ARTICLE
- Apr 30Pennsylvania Courts, Our Office, Your Case and COVID-19Governor Wolf has declared that while law offices remain generally closed, lawyers and staff may access physical offices as necessary t...VIEW ARTICLE
- Apr 28The World Today Looks Nothing Like it Did Just a Few Short Months AgoThe world today looks nothing like it did just a few short months ago. It goes without saying that so muc...VIEW ARTICLE
- Apr 27Attorney van der Veen’s Podcast Appearance Featured in The Legal IntelligencerAttorney van der Veen was featured on the VoiceAmerica – Live Internet Talk Radio podcast, “Is There Really Truth & Justice fo...VIEW ARTICLE
- Apr 26Did Your Business Suffer Losses Due to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Shutdown? Here are Four Things to Know About Business Interruption InsuranceIn an effort to control the deadly Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf ordered the closure of all non-life-sustaining businesses...VIEW ARTICLE
- Apr 23Have You Been Exposed to COVID-19 While Working?This information is especially important to essential workers. Have you been exposed to COVID-19 while on the job as a first-responder...VIEW ARTICLE
- Apr 21The Importance of an Estate Plan During Covid-19The number of corona virus cases continues to rise on a daily basis. Especially for those persons in the most vulnerabl...VIEW ARTICLE
- Apr 1Is Assisted Suicide Legal in Pennsylvania?Recently, The Washington Times ran a story of some of the most notable cases involving a caregiver killing their patients. On...VIEW ARTICLE
- Mar 31What is the Law on Clearing Snow from Your Car in Pennsylvania?Pennsylvania is known for getting hit with some pretty hard snowstorms in the winter. As temperatures drop, snow and ice star...VIEW ARTICLE
- Mar 27Will Business Interruption Insurance Cover Losses Related to Coronavirus (COVID-19) in Pennsylvania?In response to the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) outbreak, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania has taken strict action in an effort to limit th...VIEW ARTICLE
- Mar 26Are There Defenses to Theft in Pennsylvania?A Pennsylvania man was sentenced in late January for stealing electronics, mainly Apple products, from a Target store. The man, Akba...VIEW ARTICLE
- Mar 23Important Safety Tips for Winter DrivingAlthough it happened approximately one month ago, few people in Pennsylvania have forgotten about the 30-vehicle pileup on Interstate 80 i...VIEW ARTICLE
- Mar 20Defective Drugs Cause Serious Harm, and Patients can Seek CompensationIn late January, United States District Judge Wendy Beetlestone of the Eastern District of Pennsylvania allowed a lawsuit against drug manufacturer...VIEW ARTICLE
- Mar 18In Pennsylvania, Strangulation Charges are Still All Too CommonA top executive at Erie Insurance, Bradley Postema, has been charged with strangulation after allegedly choking and assaulting a woman h...VIEW ARTICLE
- Mar 17Are Property Owners Required to Clear Snow and Ice in Pennsylvania?The Supreme Court in New Jersey has recently overturned a decision in a slip and fall case that rested on th...VIEW ARTICLE
- Mar 12Your Options After a Hit-and-Run Car AccidentIn Pennsylvania, leaving the scene of a car accident is a very serious offense, and may come with criminal sentences fo...VIEW ARTICLE
- Feb 13What Makes a Strong Personal Injury Case?After an accident, victims are dealing with severe injuries, often cannot return to work, and have a mountain of medical bills...VIEW ARTICLE
- Feb 11Common Questions About Wrongful Death ClaimsIn December the family of a cardiologist’s patient was awarded $6.3 million in a wrongful death lawsuit. A jury made thi...VIEW ARTICLE
- Feb 6Can You Use Force to Protect Your Home in Pennsylvania?Just after midnight on Christmas Eve, a man was awoken by strange noises. With gun in hand, the man went t...VIEW ARTICLE
- Feb 3Is There a Statute of Limitations on Murder in Pennsylvania?Recently, a Pennsylvania man, made headlines when he admitted to killing his wife 40 years ago. The woman, was killed i...VIEW ARTICLE
- Jan 28Number of DUIs Down this New Year’s, but Some Drivers Still Need a DefenseIt was not long in the days following New Year’s Eve that Pennsylvania State Police released data regarding the amount o...VIEW ARTICLE
- Jan 24What Does the Law Say About Animal Cruelty in Pennsylvania?Animal cruelty is now a federal offense, but two teenagers in Pennsylvania are facing state charges after they posted a vide...VIEW ARTICLE
- Jan 22Does a Recall Protect Manufacturers from Product Liability Claims?Recently Almark Foods issued a recall for its hard-boiled egg products that were sold by major food retailers, including Kroger, Trade...VIEW ARTICLE
- Jan 16What are Third Party Claims for Workplace Injuries?In early November, a federal court dismissed a case against a lift manufacturer. The lawsuit was filed by family members o...VIEW ARTICLE
- Jan 14The Problem with Treating Opioid Overdoses as HomicidesThere is a troubling trend in Pennsylvania. The opioid epidemic has spiraled out of control in the commonwealth, as it ha...VIEW ARTICLE
Can You Sue if You Contract COVID-19 at Work?
Lawsuits Involving Nursing Homes Spike During COVID-19
What is the Penalty for Not Wearing a Face Mask in Pennsylvania?
What is the Definition of Robbery in Pennsylvania?
Is Carjacking Different than Auto Theft?
Do You Have Rights if You Are a Passenger in a Car Crash?
A Recent Murder Case in PA Focuses on Little Known Legal Doctrine
How Daylight Savings Contributes to More Car Accidents
What to Do After a Slip and Fall Accident
Divorce in the Era of Covid-19
Pranksters May Face Criminal Charges for Threatening to Spread Coronavirus
People Hurt by an Intoxicated Person May be Able to Sue Under the State’s Dram Shop Laws
Pennsylvania Courts, Our Office, Your Case and COVID-19
The World Today Looks Nothing Like it Did Just a Few Short Months Ago
Attorney van der Veen’s Podcast Appearance Featured in The Legal Intelligencer
Did Your Business Suffer Losses Due to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Shutdown? Here are Four Things to Know About Business Interruption Insurance
Have You Been Exposed to COVID-19 While Working?
The Importance of an Estate Plan During Covid-19
Is Assisted Suicide Legal in Pennsylvania?
What is the Law on Clearing Snow from Your Car in Pennsylvania?
Will Business Interruption Insurance Cover Losses Related to Coronavirus (COVID-19) in Pennsylvania?
Are There Defenses to Theft in Pennsylvania?
Important Safety Tips for Winter Driving
Defective Drugs Cause Serious Harm, and Patients can Seek Compensation
In Pennsylvania, Strangulation Charges are Still All Too Common
Are Property Owners Required to Clear Snow and Ice in Pennsylvania?
Your Options After a Hit-and-Run Car Accident
What Makes a Strong Personal Injury Case?
Common Questions About Wrongful Death Claims
Can You Use Force to Protect Your Home in Pennsylvania?
Is There a Statute of Limitations on Murder in Pennsylvania?
Number of DUIs Down this New Year’s, but Some Drivers Still Need a Defense
What Does the Law Say About Animal Cruelty in Pennsylvania?
Does a Recall Protect Manufacturers from Product Liability Claims?
What are Third Party Claims for Workplace Injuries?
The Problem with Treating Opioid Overdoses as Homicides