Posts in July, 2020
- Jul 30In the Age of Hand Sanitizer, Many Brands are Found to be UnsafeCleanliness has been a key term since the coronavirus pandemic broke out earlier this year in the country. Suddenly, people wer...VIEW ARTICLE
- Jul 30Defenses to Shoplifting Charges in PennsylvaniaAs Pennsylvania begins to reopen after the coronavirus shut most businesses down, it means there is once again plenty of opportunit...VIEW ARTICLE
- Jul 28The Who’s Who In PhillyLabor Show – July 28th, 2020Attorney van der Veen sat down for this awesome interview on WWDB-AM. This interview highlights Michael van der Veen’s amazing energ...VIEW ARTICLE
- Jul 22What to Know About Suing the Government in PennsylvaniaOn June 27, 2018, a one-year-old crawled onto a window ledge in an apartment building and fell 30 feet to th...VIEW ARTICLE
- Jul 20As DUI Arrests Increase, We Debunk Common Myths Surrounding these ChargesAccording to state police, DUI arrests increased in Pennsylvania by ten percent in 2019. In that year, police made 22,139 DU...VIEW ARTICLE
- Jul 20The Degrees of Murder: How Pennsylvania’s Laws are UniqueMost states separate murder into a first or second degree offense. Pennsylvania, separates murder into an act that can be considere...VIEW ARTICLE
- Jul 16Who is Liable for Dog Bites?Pennsylvania’s laws on dog bites are a little more confusing than they are in other states. Although victims of dog bite...VIEW ARTICLE
- Jul 14¿Cuáles son las Leyes de Saqueo en Pennsylvania?Las protestas han surgido en todo el país en las últimas semanas, incluyendo aquí mismo en Pennsylvania. Desafortunadamente, no todos lo...VIEW ARTICLE
- Jul 14What are the Looting Laws in Pennsylvania?Protests have erupted throughout the country in recent weeks, including right here in Pennsylvania. Unfortunately, not everyone that attends these protest...VIEW ARTICLE
In the Age of Hand Sanitizer, Many Brands are Found to be Unsafe
Defenses to Shoplifting Charges in Pennsylvania
The Who’s Who In PhillyLabor Show – July 28th, 2020
What to Know About Suing the Government in Pennsylvania
As DUI Arrests Increase, We Debunk Common Myths Surrounding these Charges
The Degrees of Murder: How Pennsylvania’s Laws are Unique
Who is Liable for Dog Bites?
¿Cuáles son las Leyes de Saqueo en Pennsylvania?
What are the Looting Laws in Pennsylvania?