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Allentown Divorce Attorney

For dozens of reasons, a relationship can deteriorate to the point where staying together no longer makes good sense. While accepting this can be emotional, for some couples, pursuing a divorce is the best thing that can happen. At the law offices of van der Veen, Hartshorn, Levin & Lindheim, our Allentown divorce lawyers can provide you with the legal support and representation that you’re seeking during such a difficult time. Please reach out to our Allentown divorce attorneys by phone or online today to learn more about our services.

Grounds for Divorce in Pennsylvania

At the time that you file for divorce–or have a petition for divorce filed against you–knowing on what grounds a divorce can legally be sought is important. Under Pennsylvania statutes, categories for divorce are divided as such:

  • Fault grounds. Fault grounds for a divorce include willful and malicious desertion, adultery, cruel and barbarous treatment, bigamy/polygamy, imprisonment for a term of two or more years, or “such indignities…as to render” the conditions of the other spouse “intolerable.”
  • If one spouse has been committed to a mental institution for at least 18 months, the court may agree to a divorce.
  • Mutual consent. Most people seek a divorce based on no-fault grounds. If both parties allege that the marriage is irretrievably broken and both parties have submitted affidavits showing that both parties consent to the divorce, the court will grant the divorce. If both parties have not issued such affidavits, the court may still issue the divorce on the grounds of irretrievable breakdown of the marriage if the parties have lived separate and apart for at least one year.

In addition to satisfying the required grounds for divorce in PA, you’ll also need to meet the state’s residency requirements. You or your spouse must have lived in the state for at least six months prior to filing.

Resolving Tough Issues in a Divorce

If you have grounds for divorce and meet the residency requirements, then the next step will be working with your spouse to resolve tough issues that must be settled before your divorce will be finalized. Issues that you will need to face and resolve include:

  • How property will be divided
  • How debts will be divided
  • Who will get custody of any shared children
  • What the visitation and parenting rights of the non-custodial parent will be
  • Whether or not spousal maintenance will be part of the divorce settlement

Answering the above questions can be extremely challenging, even for couples who are in general agreement about the divorce and want to keep things civil. Our lawyers can help by informing you of the law, advising you during negotiations, and representing you during litigation if it comes to that.

Call Our Allentown Divorce Lawyers Today

At the offices of van der Veen, Hartshorn, Levin & Lindheim, we know how challenging divorce is. For representation that you can trust when you need it most, please call our experienced Allentown divorce lawyers today for a consultation, or send us a message online telling us more about how we can serve you.

Notable Case Results

Always Pursing the Best Possible Outcome

Assault Injury

$1 Million

Tractor-Trailer Accident

$10 Million

Bicycle Accident

$4.8 Million

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In the Media

Throughout the years, our firm and our individual attorneys have been recognized in both local and national media for our extensive legal knowledge, experience, and record of success. Our attorneys frequently appear in the media to provide insights and information on various legal matters, including high-profile cases.

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Choosing the Right Firm Can Make All the Difference

  • Unrivaled Record of SuccessWe have won tens of millions of dollars for injured victims, and have achieved countless "not guilty" verdicts for clients faced with criminal charges.
  • No Challenge too BigOur firm has handled some of the biggest cases in country, including representing the President of the United States.
  • Personalized RepresentationWe understand that every case is unique. Therefore, we tailor our approach based on the facts of the case and the needs of our client.
  • Uncompromising PassionOur competitive nature is one of our strongest qualities. You can be confident that no other firm will outwork our team.
  • Holistic ApproachNot only do we want to excel legally for the client, but we also want to make sure we are strengthening their mind, body and spirt.
  • Supporting the CommunityOur team engages in many community events and regularly donates time and resources to many charitable organizations in Philadelphia.

Talk to Our Experienced Team

Home to Philadelphia’s most accomplished attorneys, van der Veen, Hartshorn, Levin & Lindheim pairs diverse practice experience with a passion-driven, comprehensive law practice—all for the client’s benefit.


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Fill Out the Form Below or Call Our Firm at (215) 486-0123.

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Allentown Office609 Hamiltion St,Suite 7Allentown, PA 18101Map & Directions
Philadelphia Office1219 Spruce StPhiladelphia, PA 19107Map & Directions
Montgomery County Office411 Cherry St.Norristown, PA 19401Map & Directions
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