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Allentown Criminal Defense Attorney

To obtain convictions in criminal cases, prosecutors must establish every element of every offense beyond a reasonable doubt. That’s a very high mountain to climb, but it is far from unclimbable. Prosecutors have nearly unlimited resources at their disposal. Furthermore, they are relentless in pursuit of convictions. A stellar win-loss record is one of the only ways to climb the corporate ladder.

The dedicated Allentown criminal defense attorneys at van der Veen, Hartshorn, Levin & Lindheim have what it takes to resist this prosecutorial onslaught. We have resources of our own, thanks to our vast legal experience and available physical resources. We also have a fighting spirit. We are proud to stand up for our clients and protect them against the state’s unlimited resources. That pride shines through in everything we do.

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Physical Crimes in Allentown

Crimes of violence and against property have been an issue almost ever since people began living together. In today’s America, some of the most common crimes in this category include:

  • Assault: Typically, these crimes occur after an emotional disagreement becomes violent. When that happens, you need an experienced attorney to guide you through the complex legal process. Many times, we are able to resolve even serious assault cases without going to trial.
  • Murder: Depending on the facts, prosecutors could bring several kinds of homicide cases. These intricate prosecutions also require an intricate defense. We also embrace innovative defenses, such as the slow plea and open plea.
  • DUI: A Driving Under the Influence conviction often means more than just probation and fines. It often also involves drivers’ license suspension, astronomically high auto insurance rates, and other collateral consequences.
  • Sex Crimes: Truth be told, some criminal defense attorneys shy away from sensitive matters like rape or other such offenses. But at van der Veen, Hartshorn, Levin & Lindheim, we treat these cases like any other criminal case, and we treat you with the same respect as we treat all other clients.
  • Drug Crimes: In the ongoing War on Drugs, convictions are about the only measure of victory. So, to justify their bloated anti-drug budgets, prosecutors are very aggressive in this area. Sometimes, prosecutors are a bit overzealous.

We also routinely handle a number of other matters, such as motor vehicle theft, aggravated assault, and stalking.

Virtual Crimes in Allentown

Even if the defendant and alleged victim never meet face-to-face, the crime is no less serious. In fact, the invasion of privacy that these cases entail often creates juror sympathy for the alleged victims. So, at van der Veen, Hartshorn, Levin & Lindheim, we work to get past the emotional aspect of these cases and focus on the facts. We use this approach in matters like:

  • White Collar Crimes: Embezzlement, forgery, and other breach of trust financial crimes can ruin a person’s career. So, we work hard to clear your name and bring about the best result possible.
  • Child Pornography: Viewing images on the internet or in email attachments is not a crime. However, possessing these images is one of the most serious crimes of all. We approach these cases from both a legal and technical standpoint in order to create reasonable doubt.
  • Theft: From shoplifting to passing a bad check to defrauding a bank, theft cases have a number of moving parts. A breakdown in any one area creates an opening for an experienced criminal defense attorney.

Other areas of practice at our firm include internet crimes and related criminal activity allegations.

Trust Experienced Allentown Criminal Attorneys

If you are in trouble with the law, our award-winning criminal defense team is here to help. For a free consultation with an experienced criminal defense attorney in Allentown, contact van der Veen, Hartshorn, Levin & Lindheim. Convenient payment plans are available.

Notable Case Results

Always Pursing the Best Possible Outcome

Assault Injury

$1 Million

Tractor-Trailer Accident

$10 Million

Bicycle Accident

$4.8 Million

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In the Media

Throughout the years, our firm and our individual attorneys have been recognized in both local and national media for our extensive legal knowledge, experience, and record of success. Our attorneys frequently appear in the media to provide insights and information on various legal matters, including high-profile cases.

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Choosing the Right Firm Can Make All the Difference

  • Unrivaled Record of SuccessWe have won tens of millions of dollars for injured victims, and have achieved countless "not guilty" verdicts for clients faced with criminal charges.
  • No Challenge too BigOur firm has handled some of the biggest cases in country, including representing the President of the United States.
  • Personalized RepresentationWe understand that every case is unique. Therefore, we tailor our approach based on the facts of the case and the needs of our client.
  • Uncompromising PassionOur competitive nature is one of our strongest qualities. You can be confident that no other firm will outwork our team.
  • Holistic ApproachNot only do we want to excel legally for the client, but we also want to make sure we are strengthening their mind, body and spirt.
  • Supporting the CommunityOur team engages in many community events and regularly donates time and resources to many charitable organizations in Philadelphia.

Talk to Our Experienced Team

Home to Philadelphia’s most accomplished attorneys, van der Veen, Hartshorn, Levin & Lindheim pairs diverse practice experience with a passion-driven, comprehensive law practice—all for the client’s benefit.


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Fill Out the Form Below or Call Our Firm at (215) 486-0123.

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Allentown Office609 Hamiltion St,Suite 7Allentown, PA 18101Map & Directions
Philadelphia Office1219 Spruce StPhiladelphia, PA 19107Map & Directions
Montgomery County Office411 Cherry St.Norristown, PA 19401Map & Directions
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